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Wedding Disaster - Low Resolution


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<p>Ok so I have good news and bad news. Good news is Sunny you are beautiful and even though you got an iffy photographer you still take great pictures. More good news is you don't have 200kb files as you first assumed. You can not measure a file's size without first opening it up because it is still compressed. The bad news it is still at best a 5x7 @ 200ppi. Why she decided to reduce the files is still a question. It was apparently ran through Aperture so maybe she exported them out and did not realize it got reduced or she just plain did not want to give you the full 6 megapixel file size which the one picture of your shoes represents 3000x2000 17meg file. Why that file is full resolution is another question.</p>

<p>The good news is you can still make an album but limited to the maximum size of 5x7 for each picture. Most digitally designed albums are filled with multiple pictues on each page with pictures much smaller than 5x7 so thats good. The bad news is you can not really do a full page without uprezing it. Have someone who is good with photoshop take care of you.</p>

<p>First contact this girl and make nice with her and let her know the files are only 5x7 in print size and you assumed it would be larger so you can make an album. Tell her one file was big but all the rest were too small. Don't get too technical on her from what we say keep your words simple so she does not think your being coached. LOL</p>

<p>The contract is a joke and really gives no information to what you were to receive other than edited digital files. She did however add you would receive high resolution files. Now you have a case somewhat because these are clearly smaller files but.... since there is no file size dimensions on the contract there is no obligation. High resolution can very well mean printable in which case it is. There is something wrong here and I hope it is just a mistake on her part and I pray that she still has the full camera resolution files saved somewhere like any real professional would after only 1 year.</p>

<p>Oh just making sure that the files you sent me were taken directly from the disc that she said was high resolution and not from the files that were emailed to you.</p>

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<p>Why not download the trial version of One on One Software's Perfect Resize 9 to enlarge the files? If that does the trick, you can move on.<br>

<br />However, I feel that most people who say "let them sue, I'm ready" usually just say so knowing fully well that the other party is never going to bring a suit. Personally, I'd have my attorney draw up a demand letter and send that to her certified mail. In addition, I'd also review her on Wedding Wire, The Knot and google - it's not libel as long as you're sticking to the fact and simply tell your side of the story. </p>

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<p>I am not sure what size you think the files should be - it is clear that the photographer was incompetent but even so has supplied files big enough to make prints of 5x7" or so. The suiggestion of One on One Software's Perfect Resize 9 is a good one - the manufacturer claims file size can be boosted by up to 800% - even a 2X (200%) boost would give 8x10 prints, a 3x would give a print big enough to frame and display in your home. As regards suing, it would seem you have a good case in theory - in practice, the process would be long and costly and might well lead to no money even with a judgement in your favor.</p>
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<p>As others have said, I suspect that your photographer doesn't have the photos, possibly something happened. but she doesn't want to return your money so is trying to dodge the issue. One course is to just take her to small claims. Don't know if you'll prevail, but its not that costly and maybe you'll get some satisfaction before the court and at least perhaps you'll find out what happened to the photos and if she does have them,why she won't provide them to you.</p>
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<p>Michael, thank you very much for your kind comment. My pictures made me feel hideous I sent you one of the pictures where she straight up made me look like a clown with the filter she used and the fact that our faces aren't in most of the pictures doesn't help either. I think what happened is I actually asked her not to take too many detailed shots because I was more interested in our expressions but because I had asked her not to post pictures without my permission she focused on shots where our faces weren't included so she could use them. I have so many shots of my hands, feet and the back of my dress when we were actually posing for full pictures. For example, when we are posing around the cake, she took pictures behind us of our backs (?!?!), and then when we are cutting the cake its just close up shots of our hands. 50 years from now I don't want to see what my hands looked like throughout my wedding but our expressions.<br /><br />Katrin, I'll try that! The reason why I wanted to see if the files could get bigger wasn't to print yet but to send it to someone to edit (lots of photoshopping) first then print. I don't have a normal picture with my husband from my wedding just 4-5 decent ones from a photoshoot outside and a few with guests at the wedding. After looking at the photos again, I can't find a proper photo from the wedding that could be edited to make it look better I guess I have to give up on that idea for now. I can't make an album out of that many photos :/ I would love to write reviews or even make a website just to warn people lol, just worried I might get sued. Thanks for that I'll do it after I decide to take her to court or not.<br /><br />David and Barry, I know it could go either way if I take her to small claims court, but even if I get half I think its worth it. If I'm taking the time to ask my guests for the pictures they took, trying to get them edited, putting them away because they suck, then what services did I get? Also, I'm considering hiring another photographer to do a re-shoot, how is that fair for me to spend more money on my hair and make up, and then the photographer? If she had done even half of what was expected of her then I wouldn't need to do a reshoot or pay someone else to edit them. :( <br /><br />I'm just bitter about the whole situation. My family had actually told me not to have a wedding for financial reasons and other stuff, but we really wanted one. So we saved up and I did everything myself for it to work out little things went wrong here and there but I didn't care bc I thought I was going to get pictures and spend time with everyone before I moved. I didn't ask for an engagement party, a honeymoon, a crazy ring, or the million things you're supposed to ask for in my culture, we literally had no furniture when we moved into our apartment but we didn't care. And then for this to be the result really freaking sucks. I feel so guilty for spending that much money with nothing to show for it. Its not okay to do this to people. <br /><br />Thanks for your time everyone. I sincerely appreciate it! </p>
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<p><em>David Bebbington</em>: As regards suing, it would seem you have a good case in theory - in practice, <em><strong>the process would be long and costly</strong></em> and might well lead to no money even with a judgement in your favor.<br>

<em>Barry Fisher</em>: One course is to just take her to small claims. Don't know if you'll prevail, but <em><strong>its not that costly</strong></em> and maybe you'll get some satisfaction.</p>


<p><br />Funny.</p>

<p>I'll add my opinion. Generally a small claims case is going to cost a day off of work and filing fees. Its not a guarantee but, that is usually how it goes. As to financial recovery, that is probably limited. While hi-rez was specified, it wasn't quantified and the substantial portion of the contract was performed. Maybe all the appendages vs. faces being shot combined with posting images contrary to the agreement (if it was memorialized as such) may help but it is fairly hard to quantify the loss from that. Most likely it will create a unflattering portrayal of the photographer which might be persuasive as to decisions where judicial discretion is involved. Its a pretty 'iffy' case. Then there is the matter of being able to collect if there is a financial judgment. That may be David's 'long process' after all. If the photographer did have higher rez pics, the pressure may induce their being turned over. But that should be the case now since it costs next to nothing. <br /><br />Meanwhile nothing is going to happen so, once again, its either go for it or walk away.</p>

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<p>I'm transitioning between jobs, so I have time to go to court :) I've never seen the final results online on similar cases so

I'm optimistic. I mean she lost a memory card there's no way she should be paid full. And I still have a 2 hour photoshoot.

That doesn'take sense to me.. Otherwise I'm going to start pretending to be a wedding photographer, take pictures of

people's feet and charge for it. Oh and the contract said I'd get it in 2 weeks but I got it 3 months later (but what I got was

nothing). The messy disc I got for some reason includes random unedited photos where you can see that the lens was

dirty so there are these marks in the same exact spot. Like I said I could write an essay. :/ Even if I can't collect at least I'll

be able to post about it online to warn others and maybe she'll stop doing wedding photographer and do feet




<p>One good news is thanks to this forum I have one picture now that I love. Even though my husbands not in it lol I actually

had someone ask me to show them pictures of my wedding today and I was happy to show that one. :)</p>



<blockquote><p>MODERATOR’S NOTE:</p></blockquote>


<p>In addition to the picture that you are happy to show - there also has been much valuable advice on this thread and also it appears that some members have assisted you privately outside of this thread.</p>

<p>The original questions have more than adequately been addressed and you now can consider what your next move shall be.

It is a good time to end this thread, closing it with your post of thanks to the forum’s membership.</p>

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