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Photo of the Week - June 15


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<p>Hi All, it seems the POTW; a once very active Pentax thread, is fading to possibly become a fond but distant memory. Yes our lives have all become much busier; that reason alone is cause to pause and take a few moments to connect with photography each week as creative outlet and let others see the world through your eyes. If the eyes are windows to the soul; what is a photograph to the photographer? (I read that somewhere on Photo.net a long time ago and have never forgotten - but can't remember who penned it). Here's my contribution for the week after going for a walk this morning...</p>


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<p>I agree with the above, and hope to contribute.<br />here's e selection of recent birds :<br />.<br>

<img src="http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss151/dorus/3514w_zps0966361c.jpg" alt="" width="960" height="635" /><br>

I'm happy with this picture of a very shy bird, locally called : bakba tietelie<br>


<img src="http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss151/dorus/3910w_zpsf8a7103a.jpg" alt="" width="960" height="636" /><br>

also far from perfect, but the result of much patience...<br>


<img src="http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss151/dorus/5215w_zpse7cea8aa.jpg" alt="" width="960" height="608" /><br>

on a befitting branch : style<br>


<img src="http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss151/dorus/5218w_zpsabf10b28.jpg" alt="" width="960" height="615" /><br>

the common seagulls remain my favourite, however<br>


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Hi Y'all.


I'd love to contribute, but my tablet limits what I can do on the road. As I think I mentioned, I am traveling and hope

there are still some friendly faces when I get back.


Besides, its quality, not quantity, that maters.





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<p>Bob: Wow, I love what the K10D can do (except in low light!). I really like #2; #3 I can't get to open up to more than about 1x6 inches.<br>

Guus, I really like the hummingbird shot--it is unusual to see such good shots with them feeding at a flower rather than at a sugar-water feeder. The gulls and hawk are also excellent; the former for the stark composition, and the latter for the sense of motion.<br>


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