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DSLR rattle


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<p>If a shake (gently) my D800 with or without a lens mounted I hear a rattle as if there was a small ball in a chamber within the camera. When I do the same thing to my D300 I hear the same thing although it is as if the ball and chamber are smaller, therefore less sound. I have made sure it isn't anything external such as the strap lugs. I assume this has to do with the orientation sensor within the camera yet my iPhone does not rattle when shaken. Any thoughts?</p>
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<p>I very much doubt it has anything to do w/ an orientation sensor.</p>


<p>For many years Canon's slrs included a ball-bearing orientation sensor that clicked audibly when the camera was turned from horizontal to vertical or vice versa. I'm not sure whether or not the D800 employs a similar system.<br>

OTOH in <a href="http://www.dpreview.com/forums/post/51754856">dpreview</a> there's an explanation attributing the noise in a D7000 to the flash.</p>

<p>Henry Posner<br /><strong>B&H Photo-Video</strong></p>

Henry Posner

B&H Photo-Video

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<p>Thanks Henry, indeed that dpreview link lead me to some interesting comments. I saw one that sounded quite a bit like my original post. It does appear to be the arms that hold the flash up and nothing to do with orientation.</p>

<p>"Gently shook my D800 - yes there is a soft rattling noise in the flash housing - I believe it is the holding mechanism that makes that noise when the flash is down, perfectly normal then. My D300s is also making similar noise - but a bit softer."</p>

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<p>Most likely you're indeed hearing the two small metal links stopping the flash in the correct position when it pops up.<br>

It's easy to verify: Pop the flash up and shake the camera again while slightly supporting the flash with a finger in front (to prevent it from moving up and down...)</p>

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<p>My D800E does this too. It also sounds like its in the prism area near the flash hinge, and is louder when down. It took me a while to notice and it’s not gotten worse or gone away. I’m glad it’s not a loose screw or something broken.</p>
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