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Rangefinder Choice / Suggestions


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<p>Congratulations! The Summitar can be a great lens if free of haze - no problem in your case because of the CLA - and if used with a lens hood. The original Leitz lenshood is entertainingly huge - much cheaper and easier, and in fact very strongly recommended, is an E36/E39 adapter, which means you don't need the special 36mm screw filters but can use regular 39mm ones and a cheap Indian/Chinese lens hood. If you can't find an adapter of this kind, PM me!</p>
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The Summitar is "Classic Glass"- you will be happy. Center sharp, and "swirly Bokeh".


Youxin is a real resource for Leica users. The M3 that I bought from him- thought the shutter was NOT

firing, it was working perfectly, but was that quiet and smooth compared with another M3 that I sent

elsewhere for a CLA.

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<p>Will I want to use a UV filter - I don't on my Hasselblad lenses but do on my Nikon DSLR. I see the adapter but not sure what it's used for - guessing for attaching a filter like a polarizer?<br>

I use a Sekonic L558 light meter but it will be much to carry around with the Leica. I read about a light meter app for the iPhone - anyone have any experience with this? Is it accurate?</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>The Summitar takes a 36mm screw-in filter (E36) - most older Leica lenses take a 36mm push-on filter (A36), from the 1950s onwards the most common sizes was 39mm screw-in (E39). The function of the adapter is simply to allow you to use E39 filters (available new from Leica, B+W, Heliopan and Hoya) instead of the E36 filters, which are very uncommon and all of which are quite old and expensive). Note that "A" stands for "Aufsteckfilter" (push-on filter), "E" stands for "Einschraubfilter" (screw-in filter).<br>

Not everyone agrees about UV filters - I say you don't want to have to clean the Summitar any more often than you have to, so I would recommend a UV filter (I use a filter on every lens out of doors all the time).</p>


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It should be mentioned that the Summitar uses a "fluted" filter, the threads are inset into the lens. The

filters for the Summitar are unique to the Summitar. I ended up making a type A color correction Summitar

filter into a Series VI filter adapter. If I ever get another Summitar, have a red filter waiting.

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<p>I used to buy film from Amazon - choices are slimmer than last time I looked. Where are you buying your film? BH, KEH? <br>

What film brands and speeds are you using in your cameras? The local CVS is closing out on 35mm and has 400 speed but I've always preferred 100 film.</p>

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For color I like Provia 100F, Ektar 100, Portra 400 or 160.

B&W either Tri-X or Acros (100).

I usually buy film from a Samys Camera store that is local to me, or order from BHPhoto.


Freestyle has the widest selection of films I know of, many you may not have heard of before.

You can order through their website.

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<p>Thanks again - picked up some B&W Kodak Professional 400 at the local CVS on close out (still fresh) and a roll of Kodak ultramax also 400 - will buy slower film online.<br>

Camera shipped yesterday - should have tomorrow - will be taking a road trip Friday - plan to shoot with the IIIB. Downloaded a manual and Youxin wants me to call him so he can show me his way of loading film. <br>

Was not familiar with the R51/3 but it's a classic alright. <br>

Stay tuned.<br>

Thanks again!</p><div>00cUYr-546833784.jpg.14aa743b8fcbae5bb17b4a56c649f074.jpg</div>

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<p>Leica arrived today. Youxin Ye provided a very nice camera and lens - very impressed how clean the glass is. He CLA'd both lens & camera and replaced both shutter curtains and a replaced beam splitter with new.<br>

Pretty intuitive as far as loading film and working controls - Youxin talked me through loading film - got it on the second try - first try film slots weren't in gear. <br>

Heading on a 2 week trip tomorrow to So CA and TX and will stop in a few other states - bringing my light meter - looking forward to using it. <br>

Thanks again for all your great advice - at the end of the day it's an old film camera but I'm sure there's still a lot of magic left inside!</p>

<p> </p><div>00cUvj-546922284.thumb.jpg.3026a22b9a26db10501c645b7e21977f.jpg</div>

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<p>I have been a Leica user since 1956 and a Canon/Nikon since the same period. I have owned every Leica from the IIIc thru the 2 M8's and M3 I currently own - and use regularly. During this period I have also owned most of the Canon III series an L, a P, and a 7 with lenses from 1.8 Serenar to 50mm 1.2 with total satisfaction. My favorite being a 7 with 1.2. Second choice would be a P with 1.4 lense. I have owned a Nikon S,S2,Sp all with the 1.4 Nikkor lense. Favorite of the Nikon's was the S2. In the 50's you should look for a Sears Tower as they offered some outstanding bodies at the time which if memory serves were made by Nicca with LTM lenses.My very first Rangefinder interchangeable lense 35mm was a Nicca and it was everybit as good as the Leica it was copied from at the time. By the end of the 50's Niccas were history as were Leotards and several other Leica copies. Along the way I had a couple of Contax II's that I liked very much also though I preferred the Nikon that was copied from them. I have always worn glasses and found the Leica viewfinders to be tough to use and almost all Canon's,and Nikon's to have friendlier finders to me. I would definitely get one with a combined finder no matter what it was. Almost any of the all black Canon Lenses are good ones as they are the latest. Ebay has some good buys but mostly camera and lense separate. I have no problem with that as I find it mostly the cheaper way to go from the studies I've done.</p>
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