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GPS Data Loggers


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<p>My old GPS data logger seems to only work sporadically. In looking to replace it, I can't tell that any new devices have come on the market in several years. I thought of a smartphone data logger, but I've read they burn through battery life and accuracy is questionable. Have smartphone apps destroyed the data logger market?<br>

I'd like to have a data logger that would create a .GPX file that I could bring directly into Lightroom's Map Module without conversion. Any experience you'd share with either a separate unit or a smartphone app?</p>


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<p>I use a GPS device (Garmin Oregon 450t) for geotagging. Just load the .GPX file into LR and geotag the pictures.<br>

I have the GPS unit set so it records the entire track of my walk. For batteries I use 2400 mAh Eneloops which easily last a full day. For multiple day treks I use a fresh set of batteries (AA alkalines) every day. This way I'm sure the entire day is logged; batteries are half empty after the day, I use them in remotes, etc.<br>

My smartphone could be used as well but I'm afraid the battery life is measures in hours when the GPS function is switched on all the time. I doubt it will last a full day. Accuracy may be very good and fast if GSM signals are used together with satellites to locate your position but battery life may be the achilles heel.</p>

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