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6008i not displaying correct aperture and meter issues


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<p>I recently picked up a 6008 Integral and 80mm Schneider f/2.8 kit from Adorama. However, I seem to have some issues and I'm wondering what the cause could be. When I power up the camera the view finder always displays the aperture as 1 stop higher than it really is, so 2.8 shows as 4, etc. The other thing is that the meter seems to be off, usually around 1-2 stops under what it should be, at least according to my hand meter and dslr.</p>

<p>I tried cleaning the lens, body, and film back contacts, but I'm still running into those problems. Unfortunately I don't have another lens to test with, but it continued to happen with the other film back I have for it. Should I just try to exchange it with Adorama or is there a way for users to manually calibrate the light meter?</p>

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<p>I've long lusted after one of this series from Rollei.<br>

They are still more than I'm willing to pay, but I confess that I always look at a built-in meter in any older camera that still works at all as a gift from Wotan. Congrats.<br>

I presume it can be moved to some kind of manual mode? If so, I'd just use a decent hand-held meter. That's what I do with my older 35mm cameras where the meter is off or not functioning at all.</p>

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<p>Diego, I read through what happened with your lens and I am suspecting it is something similar with mine. I don't have another lens I can test with though to confirm that. <br>

JDM, I would agree with you if Adorama disclosed that it isn't functional. The way it was listed lead me to believe that everything was in good working order. Physically the camera and lens look amazing, so I hope they are willing to rectify the issues through repair, otherwise I'll have to return it and go on the hunt once again. </p>

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<p>You can contact Eric at: Eric Hiss who can help Eric@Rolleiflex.us<br>


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<p>Contact Mrs. Manilla Brauner at <a href="mailto:m.brauner@dhw-fototechnik.de">m.brauner@dhw-fototechnik.de</a></p>

Remember this is the apex of MF film photography. Live it.

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<p>Thanks for the info Edward.<br>

I'm actually in the process of trying to get Adorama to refund me for the battery rebuild and return the camera since I was lead to believe the system would be working based on the quality description they had. <br />I also have to say that dealing with their customer service has been pretty terrible since no one seems to know answers to the questions I ask and I have been talking to them daily since Sunday last week and still haven't gotten the return. <br>

Perhaps later I'll try to pick up another 6008, the features and feel of the camera really appeal to me, but over the week I decided to pick up a 500c/m to fulfill my needs of a 6x6. </p>


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  • 1 month later...
<p>A 6003 SRC 1000 not displaying the aperture correctly.<br /> A couple of weeks ago I picked up a 6003 SRC 1000 and 80mm Planar f/2.8 which had recently been serviced/repaired by Wiese Fototechnik - described, as I understand it from the website, - to have been approved by Franke & Heidecke in 2008 . <br /> However, after using it mostly in Aperture priority mode I have found that I’m in a similar situation to Justin with his 6008i - related here on March 29 this year. ‘Fortunately’ my camera’s display shows the Aperture as only ⅓ stop wider than it really is; and with the alternative of sending it to DHW at very probably a relatively high cost - I’m regarding the problem as a fault I can live with. <br /> Particularly as I don’t “do” transparencies - just black and white and occasionally colour negative film.<br /> PS For a brief moment I almost convinced myself that the previous owner had asked for that extra third of a stop to be set on purpose :-) Or maybe I’ll just leave it on Shutter priority instead…..</p>
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