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<p>Hi, I recently bought a RZ67 pro II and wanted to ask if the frame lines in the finder represent the final image crop after processing and printing? I notice that there is extra space beyond the frame lines, should this area be ignored when framing? The manual states that the finder is 95%, is this the area within the frame lines with the area beyond making up the 5% to make 100%? or is the entire view with the area beyond the frame lines 95% meaning I would have to consider 5% beyond what I can see in the finder?<br>

Thanks in advance.</p>

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<p>With the RZ, the viewfinder area is larger than 6x7, it is "actually" 7x7.</p>

<p>The revolving back activates a blind or shade to frame horizontally or vertically (it is, 6x7 or 7x6), but there is still an uncovered area at the corners that make you guess there is some image there (specially in "portrait" position)... I understand you`re refering to this behaviour.</p>

<p>If so, please ignore this small squares... what you see (ignoring the "small squares") is the 95% of the area that will appear on film, in real size, so there is another 5% extra all <em>around</em>, also behind the activated blinds or shadows, but as Michael says, it is a very small inconsequential area.</p>

<p>Don`t know if it is the case (to be sincere, I have never checked it), but some cameras this 5% extra have to be ignored because it`s possible that the image you see is not centered... it could be a bit closer to top, or to the bottom... so in this case, unless you exactly know how the viewfinder works, to frame guessing the 100% area, could be a bit "risky".</p>

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