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Best way to get a used Fuji X100 based on this criteria?

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<p>I want to buy from KEH, but they don't have any. I'm basically looking for the cheapest, non-damaged X100 I can find. KEH is usually a weirdly wonderful combination of cheapest AND best quality AND a 6-month warranty, which is why I would have started there.<br>

I've been looking on eBay, but bid prices usually rise to higher than Amazon's prices before an auction is over.<br>

I'm hoping to pay somewhere notably below $600. If somehow an X100s manages to fit in that range, I'd be just as happy with it.<br>

Would you help me narrow it down? Thanks!</p>

<p>P.S.<br />If you want to suggest an alternate camera, here's my use scenario: I already have a Nikon D5100, but want a good, speedy (f2.0 or better), 35mm (on a crop, that's 24mm) equivalent or wider lens for event, street, and night photography (all including candids.) The X100 happens to cost less than such a lens does, plus I can take it with me at all times and be somewhat inconspicuous with it + it has beautiful Fuji IQ. It's also essentially faster for night photography than a fast lens combined with my D5100 would be due to the nearly noiseless 3200 and 6400 ISO.</p>

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<p>Unless or until Fuji rolls something out to unseat the X100(s), prices will stay up. Their firmware upgrades aren't helping either...</p>

<p>Seriously, though, you might consider whether the X-M1+27mm Fujinon would suit. Still, if you want the X-Trans sensor, you're going to have to fork over for it.</p>

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<p>CWatson: The X-M1 looks like a fairly nice camera, but it's more expensive when combined with that lens (about $650 used instead of the $550-600 for the X100.) The lens is not a fast enough lens for me and has lower IQ according to forums I just checked. Also, that camera takes more space than the x100 (when it has a lens on it) and has no viewfinder. Can't see any advantages.</p>
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<p>Sorry, Michael, but you're looking for a bargain where they just don't exist. All you can really do is keep glued to eBay/Craiglist/Kijiji and hope for the best. Cheap, fast, or good: pick two.</p>

<p>You can get an X-M1 kit now rather than dreamily hoping for a dirt cheap, mint, KEH-warranteed X100(S) to fall from the sky. Good luck, especially with buying a used X100 from Japan.</p>

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<p>I'm not looking for a mint X100. I just want a non-damaged one, which I realize now might sound a bit vague. I want it completely functioning. I don't care about scuffs and scratches, so long as they don't relate to the function of the camera (scratches on the lens = no purchase and scratches on the LCD = I'm less happy.) In fact, I tend to avoid "Like New" listings because of the increased cost.</p>

<p>Is that sarcasm about buying from Japan, or are you recommending that I should do that?</p>

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<p>Look, you're after a camera whose popularity and owner retention(thanks in part to continuous firmware updates, innate goodness aside)are high. Their effect on used prices and availability is obvious. All you can do is keep looking. And I really wouldn't let desperation take me Japan for an X100, either.</p>
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<p>Considering the price of the Fuji 27 these days ($200 new) maybe you can find an X-E1 at a good price. With the 27 it's a bit bigger than the X100 but actually lighter I think. And it has a viewfinder, unlike the X-M1 (which, by the way, with the 27 is really tiny). The 27 is an f/2.8, so that doesn't quite fit your criteria, but you could also look at the 18. It's an f/2.0 and fairly small, but the hood does add some bulk. A used 18 with a used X-E1 would be a nice combo. Granted the X-E1 doesn't have the OVF, but the EVF works pretty well. It won't look quite as much like an old camera as the X100, but add the Fuji leather half-case and it still is fairly unassuming. I have all of the above, by the way, so this is based on personal experience. I really like the Fujis for walking around / sightseeing / travel cameras. So much so that my older favorites for that purpose, the Pentax K-5 with the 4 DA Limited pancake primes, have been gathering dust for the last year or so.</p>
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