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Gitzo traveller 1542t vs Manfrotto 190cx pro 3


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<p>I only have used the Gitzo Traveler in my case the 1550T. Very sharp images at sunset times with my travels with a F100 and a 18-35 scanned with a Nikon Coolscan. I guess the thing is and it is expected, it is a light tripod and the legs are thin. Just need to take note .... I am still using the Gitzo freebie head, so I would suggest something like a Markins little ballhead or the little RRS but I prefer the former. Also used it in Japan at sunset time with a D600 and a 18-35. Very sharp too. Exposures in the seconds ...</p>

<p>Edit. Mine one is smaller than yours. I've got a 5 section with 4 twist locks on each leg. <br /> Here is an image I took in Japan with the D600. <br /> http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2893/8909803583_94ed5fae64_o_d.jpg<br /> http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8555/8910427034_9a411aaec5_o_d.jpg</p>

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<p>I recently purchased the Gitzo 1542T, and I'm using the RRS BH-30 ball head; I'm very happy with the combination My other tripods are Gitzos and I prefer the twist lock feature of the Gitzo. Spme factors to consider-I don't know if folded length is important to you when traveling , when it's required to check tripods with your luggage (not generally an issue in the US but can be in Europe) but the folded length of the Gitzo is about 4 inches shorter than the Manfrotto. The other factor for me is weight of the Manfrotto vs. the Gitzo-the Gitzo being .9 lb lighter. The Gitzo here in the US is also significantly more expensive.</p>
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<p>Gitzo without a doubt. I have the 1541 with the small Markins head (Q10?) and it's remarkably light, compact, and for it's size, sturdy. I also previously had a 190 xpro-B (not CF). Good tripod for what it is… but not in any way comparable with the Gitzo. I've also used the 190 CF version, and while an improvement over the alu 190, it's still a relatively clunky design when compared to the Gitzo - considerably heavier and bulkier, although perhaps slightly more solid. I definitely prefer the Gitzo leg locks as well. The main benefit of the Manfrotto in my eyes is cost.</p>



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