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Good setup for single and group?


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<p>I got this gig a while back that is now shortly coming up.<br>

It is for a pretty big foodchain here in sweden and i have kind of decided on my equippment that i will use for the assignment. But would love some feedback from people that are more experienced in this field than me.<br>

Although i do studiowork from time to time my experience lies mostly in outdoors photography or more creative work working with maybe 1 or 2 flashes for adding some extra light when its needed.<br>

This assignment involves maybe 7 or 8 single portraits and a few group shots including 4 or 5 people in them.<br>

The flashes i have are all Nikon, a sb 900 a sb 800 and a 700. I use a couple of lastolite umbrellas as well as a lastolite softbox.<br>

So i was thinking maybe 2 umbrellas straight on from each side of me when taking the groupshots with the inderect flash on the white side of the umbrealla ( a little above me obviously). And for the single portraits i was thinking the softbox as keylight and a umbrella( again with indirect flash on the white side) as extra light from the side.<br>

Lenses i thought id use include the nikon 85 f1,4 D and Nikon 28-300 f3,5 VR.<br>

What do you guys say? Any input is much appreciated!<br>


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<p>Sounds like you're on the right track . . .<br /> <br /> • Group shot: Yes, two umbrellas will produce more evenly distributed lighting among the group.<br /> • Portraits: Key with your largest softbox; backlight with a similar-sized, or smaller softbox. Although an umbrella can produce nice, soft lighting, facing an umbrella toward camera (if used as a backlight) is more likely to cause flare, unless your lens is completely flagged from any spill. Fill with whatever's left over.</p>
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<p>Thank you Ralph. Yes i hope i am on the right track hehe! We will see come next weekend though if the results are good.<br>

I DO have a smaller softbox i could use to light her hair to create a rimlight there. And then i can use my umbrella i got over as fill from camera left.<br>


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