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"new" camera test


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<p>The Bronica ETRS I "accidentally" picked up on eBay (bid 150 early on, and nobody else bid) came with a Polaroid back. Though I probably wouldn't have gone out of my way to pick up such a back, I decided it would be cheaper and easier to pick up some fp100 packs to test the camera, as opposed to exposing, developing, and printing 120.<br>

Aha!!! Works fine! My first image was shot with what I figured was Sunny 16: f16 at 1/125. It came out a bit dark, though I could probably scan it in and work it up some. <br>

The second shot (after I lost Zoe's interest, so the bare porch), was shot with the figures I'd gotten from my light meter phone app: 1/125 at f4. I metered outside, then backed into the porch, so it did come out a little brighter than would be ideal, but very fixable in post. <br>

All in all, I'm well pleased, and I figure I should be able to trust this camera with "real" film now... and I've also decided that this packfilm stuff is pretty fun on its own!</p>


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