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Flash lights for multiple camera systems


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<p>I have been shooting film cameras mainly with available light with occasional flash lighting using a set of Elinchrom Ranger Quadra set. Recently I am going into macro nature photography using Nikon F5, Canon EOS 1V, Hasselblad 503CXi, and Pentax 67 II. I have one Canon 580EXII and would like to get a set of Macro flash lights (twin on a bracket?) so that I can use them on all of my cameras above. But I found that now Metz only make dedicated flash for Nikon or Canon which cannot be converted to other systems. I am asking if there is flash suitable for macro using SCA adapter to match different systems? Also for Macro Gurus, do you use TTL or Manual flashes for Macro? Thank you.</p>
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<p>Generally speaking, any flash can be used on any camera. As Dehuan says, you just have to put it on manual and plug it in with a cord (although you can also use a radio trigger if you like.) You simply give up TTL and other automation. For macro nature photography, where you're working in a reasonably controlled situation, you don't really need auto, so that shouldn't be a problem.</p>
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<p>You'll need flashes that can be turned down to a very low power for macro use, or fitted with a strong diffuser or ND filter. I don't think that any modern TTL compatible flash is going to be suitable across such a range of cameras. If you weren't hooked on film you could easily "chimp" the correct exposure, but with film it's going to be pure guesswork getting a correct exposure in fully manual mode - unless you standardise on film speed and flash distance, and also make careful calculations of the effective aperture.</p>
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