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Durst rcp 20 color paper processor.

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<p>-Hello to all friends. <br /> -I just bout this color paper processor from a friend ho give me free, after many years with jobo cpp 2.<br /> -I have some questions, this machine already have modified to take normal RA4 chemicals, but i don't understand that the second bath need to be a stop bath! <br /> In jobo never i use stop bath, after the paper developer i fill the tank twice just with tap water and then put the bleach. So what stop bath shall i need to put? The same i use in black & white chemistry? and in what solution?<br /> -Please someone help me. The friend ho give me they don't remember..</p>
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<p>I remember the second bath being called Blix .. which was a bleach & fix bath, witch essentially stopped the development.. And since it went through the machine you had to adjust the speed at which the paper went through the developer and then to the Blix, so essentially the slower it went the more development time you gave the paper.<br /> But the last time I processed color paper that way was was about 5 years ago before the color lab shut down at the community college, so I am not sure if i spelled it correctly</p>
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