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A Rescued Pentacon ZI


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<p>I can never quite decide who I respect more: those like S.P. and Rick O. who can fix these cameras themselves with sheer ingenuity and resourcefulness (and petrol), or those who are willing to shell out hard-earned cash that is known to be "putting good money after bad" if we're being honest economists about it. (<em>e.g.</em>, $100 to fix a an obsolete $15 camera). I'm in awe of the former since I haven't those repair skills, but it's done at "only" the cost of one's time; the latter constitutes literally putting one's money where one's mouth is about keeping great old cameras out of the rubbish bin. Both are considerable expressions of love for these nice vintage instruments. We are a crazy lot...<br>


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<p>Nice looking camera and lens. Whom did you use for the repair? I also live in NJ and I bought a similar camera but with the Zeiss 58mm F2.0 Biotar. I need the the camera CLA and also have the curtain replaced too. Lens is a tad stiff, so a good CLAS would do wonders.</p>


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<p>Winfried, it is very possible. I have stayed away from Edixas as they are notoriously unreliable and lack that finesse we are used to see on German SLRs.<br>

SP - thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it. These cameras are a challenge, and my repair man said the curtains can not be made due to a ribbon "issue"</p>

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<p>Rick - Thank you for your comments. I am not sure what the formula is but it seems to be some sort of a Gaussian design<br>

Mike - Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated<br>

Bob - thanks for the feedback, I am glad you liked it. the Wind was so strong on the river banks, it was hard to keep the camera steady.<br>

JDM - thanks for the feedback, it is a well known fact around here that you are GDR collector, I figured this post would tickle your fancy :-), A meyer oreston would have been more appropriate, or even a biotar :-)</p>

<p>Thanks Cory, much appreciated comments.<br>

Hi Gary - I nearly gave up on this, but I am glad all worked out in the end.<br>

Rick - thank you kindly. I actually wanted to ask your view on the curtains for these as my repair man said it would not be possible to replace them due to the metal ribbon that holds them in place<br>

Hi Less - thanks for the feedback.</p>

<p>Tony - thanks for commenting, I wish I could get better processing as the negs were pretty flat when scanned.</p>

<p>Dave - interesting feedback, the logic does escape me at times when I am determined to get one of these to work, however I do find it a worthy reward seeing results from my them after they have been remedied. In a good percentage of cases, I tinker with them myself, like getting a leaf shutter going, or adjust an out of place aperture lever, or resetting rangefinder focus or lens focus etc. I always think that reviving one of these myself is part of the enjoyment.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Thank You. I thought that Fema (I think that was his name?) moved. Is he still on ground level?<br>

For awhile I was using Eddie Smolov. He rebuilt my Contax II and did a fine good. <br>

I might try out the former tech from Kiev USA. I think his name & info is as following:</p>

<p>Stanislav Studzinskiy<br>

12 Olneys Road<br>

Petersburg, NY 12138<br>

<strong>Email - Info@Mechanicalcamerarepair.com</strong><br>

<br />Thanks for sharing the information on the tech and your super nice photos!</p>

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Wo what great pics. You have the touch Ralf! I guess this was the pick of the lot as you explained. So

pleased that you took the trouble to get the shutter curtains replaced. The camera looks great and your

work on the lens shows the fine job you did in these results. I too don't know this lens but it is rather

unique a reverse sided Exakta or is Exacta upside-down an Edixa? Like JDM I have a few too I do want

one good one but I don'T have the the money or the skill to get it done right! How did you find working with

the beast. The viewfinder the settings. Semi Automatic lens can be a few things eh? I find the finder better

than expected for the time. The spit-image RF is great. I find the speeds robust and sensible. I love

listening ti the slow speeds whirring away. For a long time I hated the esthetic of the relase on the fron

and despite fears of induced camera shake it too performs well to the "squeeze" off a few shots and if

you'Re practiced a mirror lock-up feature sort-of HaHa! Thanks for sharing those wonderful pictures missed

seeing your posts!!

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<p>Hi Chuck, thanks for the feedback and comments. Shooting with this setup requires the use of 2 fingers, I usually user the middle finger (no insult meant to the camera :-) ) to depress the lens actuator and then with the index I fire the shutter. A bit cumbersome, but once you get the hang of it, it's just fine.</p>
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