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SLR Mirror Behaving Strange

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<p>I found a Mamiya Auto x 1000. The camera seems to be in pretty good shape and seems to be working well except for a problem with the mirror. I've been searching various forums for hours and haven't even found anyone with a similar problem.</p>

<p>Basically, when I advance the film the mirror goes up and doesn't come back down until I fire the shutter. As a result I can't look through the viewfinder after I advance the film. Everything else seems to be working normal though. The mirror isn't getting stuck or anything, its just flipping up at the wrong time. It moves up at the same rate that I advance the film. So if I only advance halfway the mirror will be halfway up, etc.</p>

<p>Hopefully someone can help me fix this problem or point me in the right direction. Thanks!</p>

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<p>This may help. I have a Nikon FE which I believe is similar to the Mamiya X-1000 (electronic shutter) and intermittently had the same problem. The battery indicator showed the power was OK, but just to make sure I put in a new battery and the problem disappeared. Try this as a first step. Luckily the Mamiya like the Nikon FE uses batteries that are commonly available.</p>
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<p>If this were my own camera, and in the absence of better advice, I would remove the lens with the mirror down and then slowly try to advance/cock the camera while keeping the mirror down with a finger (using a glove or a cloth). This is not an "advice", though, because forcing things is normally NOT a wise move. But, I would want to just give it a try. </p>
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<p>I also have a Mamiya 1000 TL and it is doing almost the exact same thing. However when I wind the camera it mirror only quickly flips up at the last second. I have tried to hold it down with my finger but once you remove your finger the mirror quickly flips up.<br />I will be messing around with this pig and if I figure something out I will let you know. My guess is a spring or sticky something from old grease which gets sticky over time. A good few windings might loosen things. Common fix for older bodies.</p>
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<p>Well that was quick! I came on here becasue I was starting to give up and wanted to see if anyone else knew a direct solution. I kept winding it for about 150-200 more shots and was beginning to think I will have to take it apart and then BOOM! It fired properly once, then twice, then stuck mirror for a few more and then Freedom!! Now it fires properly every time. Mine doesn't sound as stuck as yours but maybe pull up a chair to your fav TV show and just wind and click a ton off. I was holding the mirror down for a few which may have helped also (?).<br /><br />Now I just have to get the 1 second shutter speed to work on mine. This is also a very common problem when people leave a camera for a long period of time the longer shutter speeds will stick. Usually takes a few winds and clicks to get everything loosened up again and running properly.<br />I think my 1 sec shutter speed is slowly getting back to normal now.<br />Woo Hoo another saved body I hope!<br /><br />Hope you get yours running soon.</p>
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