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Bulk downloading of my gallery images


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<p>Not that I've been able to figure out. Browser add-ons like Down Them All don't work either - it only finds the thumbnail views, rather than extracting the full sized versions. I'm not sure a fusker utility would work either, since those work best with consecutive ranges of file names - photo.net's file naming convention for our uploaded photos is too random.</p>

<p> </p>

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Depends entirely what you want the backup for, surely? I am not into gigapixel images, nor printing my images. The

resolution I have my images stored here at, meets my own requirements, and I don't think you are missing anything.

Do you have a possible solution to the question posed in this thread?

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<p>No sorry John I don't, other than wait and see what the new version of PN does when it rolls out. My question was simply that. Was there a way to upload full res versions (that I was unaware of) for yet another redundant backup of at least some of my photos. </p>
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<p>Nope, there's no way to use photo.net to store maximum resolution versions of edited JPEGs. Anything over 1500 pixels in any dimension is downsized. The uploader is geared mainly to novices who don't understand how to resize their photos, or who try to upload photos directly from their cameras.</p>

<p>On the subject of backups, ideally I'd like to see photo.net incorporate some way to store original, maximum resolution JPEGs for subscribers. Something comparable to Flickr, which now offers 1TB storage even for non-subscribers, making my old Flickr Pro account somewhat redundant (although it's bundled free with my ISP).</p>

<p>Preferably, if photo.net adopted such a system, it would be synced. It's difficult to efficiently use Flickr even as a casual backup for maximum resolution edited JPEGs, because there's no syncing and if you experience a timeout or glitch during the upload process there's no efficient way to pick up where you left off. I tried a few times this year with Flickr and it's a frustrating experience.</p>

<p>But at the moment photo.net doesn't even make efficient use of metadata for our uploads. I'd like to see the metadata we've already embedded automagically used to create photo titles, captions, tags, etc.</p>

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Thanks to Lex and Doug for your responses. It looks like I am at a dead end on this. Of course I still have the original

RAW files on external hard drive, but it would have been nice to be able to download everything in their separate galleries

as jpgs to place somewhere more user-friendly...

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<p>There used to be some text here about how the photo.net galleries were not intended for remote storage of files, but for the display of gallery images. That was certainly the original intent. Photo.net doesn't really guarantee backup of images like the off line storage systems do (though I'm not really sure what that guarantee is worth). Photo.net does, of course, keep multiple, regular, full system backups but if you want secure, archival, offline storage for large quantities of full resolution images, it would probably be better to use a site designed for that purpose.</p>

<p>Bulk downloading of (their own) galleries by subscribers wouldn't be a bad thing to offer though. Doesn't seem like it would be all that difficult of a task (easy for me to say...)</p>

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