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Focusing with WLF vs. PME45

Rob F.

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Thanks, yes like you, I love the design of the system. Nothing lunatic!<br>

My favorite part in this system is the Distagon 40mm CFE IF. Probably one of the best commercial lenses ever produced by any manufacturer. Maybe a little heavy, but worth the pain. Even better than the 38mm Biogon (I compared a 903SWC with the CFV-50 and the camera above). A difficult lens to find, the last lens Zeiss designed for Hasselblad with the goals of having a single focusing ring (no FLE ring) and be better than the 38mm. </p>

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You do a find job here, Paul.<br>But why you didn't refer to the catalogue to know whether magnifier would fit...?<br><br>Pitty though that you insist on making your entrance in such a belligerent way, with half-truths, casting dispersions. No surprise then that you didn't supply those scans i asked for. So here's one for starters:<br><br><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17505400-lg.jpg"><br><br>Rob,<br>Paul will explain why - on the authority of evidence supplied by Hasselblad - you can't, so mustn't, trust people like Wildi or Nordin.
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  • 3 months later...

<p>@ Paul Loveteck<br>

( 1 ) When using that 42462 Magnifier, how much of the focusing screen can you see at once?<br />Is it not difficult to, whilst using the 42462 Magnifier, focus on something that sits to the side of your composition rather than dead centre?<br>

( 2 ) Do you ever experience fogging of the viewfinder glass on the PME45 if your naked eye (i.e. without specs) has been up against the viewfinder for half-a-minute or so? I seem to be getting it constantly if ever I use the PME45, it's really irritating.<br>

At the moment I am using the Waist Level Finder because it offers me usable magnification and I don't get fogging.<br>

<br />Thanks in advance.</p>

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