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Application- similar to CNX2 but for Fuji RAF

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I've just got a new X100s and am hoping for some advice on the best RAW converter for RAF files; as a long time Capture NX2 user, I really like and have become used to some great features that I don't want to give up if I can avoid it:<br>

The first one is the opacity adjustment, where it's possible to blend any adjustment with the previous step in the process - great!<br>

The second one is being able to toggle each step so that you can look at the changes you're making. High Pass on! High Pass off! Speaking of which, I also like High Pass.<br>

LR5 and Capture One 7 both handle the RAF files nicely but neither of them offer opacity/blending sliders and only LR5 can toggle steps - but not all of them. CO7 can sort of do it but you need to use both hands ... :\<br>

I'm hoping that someone can point me in the direction of a package that will help with this and that isn't Photoshop. I don't have the money or the need (though if I had the money ...).<br>

I have a Mac so only Fuji Raw Converter is available - that software is reeeeallly slooow. On a fast Mac one image might take 15 seconds to preview, and when you make a change the same again. Hopeless!<br>

Would love to hear from someone who can advise on good choice of app - or explain where I'm going wrong!<br>




PS. Is it just me or do we all agree that the Capture One 7 user guide and online help are utterly useless?</p>


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<p>I like Lightroom 5 for my X100S files, and I use it to manage all my photo workflow.</p>

<p>If you need to "fade" adjustments you can do it with the local adjustment brush tool. Just paint in the adjustment that you want with as many sliders moved as you want, then click on the button icon on the picture and drag left/right to turn the entire effect (all sliders) up or down. </p>

<p>LR can honestly do quite a bit of heavy lifting in terms of image editing, though it may require you to learn a new workflow from NX2. If you need something that's that much more powerful, you should really be using Photoshop or Photoshop elements. I've got CS6 but with as good as LR is, I rarely use it. </p>

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