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creating a kindle picture book from film anyone do this if sohow

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Hi, I've shot my pics on film, both 135 and 120, I've scanned low rez to edit down to

the pics I want in the book, now I'm thinking I'll recan the images I select at a higher

resolution, my low rez scans were made quickly on a Canon 9000f, I'm now looking

at a few options, do I purchase a plusTeck, or go back in time and snag a coolscan or

Minolta, or rescan at higher Rez using my 9000f, or outsource, I have

about 200 images selected, most in 135, a mix of black and white, and colour

I'm tempted to stay on the 9000f as that would cost zero dollars, but I don't mind

buying another scanner if the results would surpass the Canon...noticably, with the

amount of scanning that I have I suspect outsourcing would not be

economical..please share your thoughts on my next step, thanks

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<p>Never having had the opportunity to view images from film scans on a Kindle, it's hard to give advice. Certainly low rez scans viewed on most monitors, when not enlarged, are quite acceptable to most. Can you detect real differences between low and high rez scans from 9000f when viewed on the Kindle?</p>
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