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OT-Which SLR lenses turn the Leica way?


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I was off shooting birds today with my F4 and more than once

found myself turning the lens the wrong way to focus. That is due to

the fact that Nikon and Leica lenses turn in opposite directions to

focus and adjust aperture. Can someone tell me what companies, other

than Leica, make SLR's with lenses that turn the correct (Leica) way?

I doubt I'll replace all of my Nikon stuff, but I'm curious.

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I used to try and shoot Nikon and Leica together and never got used to the directions. At the time, Nikon was "right" to me because I'd been using it for many years before using Leica. Now I'm using Canon SLR's and they focus in the same direction as the Leica. Things seem "right". Of course, the Canon lenses are also autofocus....
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