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National Park in November


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<p>Too many parks to choose from. Temp/comfort wise, and from my experience, it would be Death Valley or Joshua Tree. Most often the nights are clear, so you can do some interesting star shots, as well. Whatever you do, particularly in the mountains (Sequoia, Yosemite, Lassen, etc.), do keep an eye on the weather....as you know mt's create its own versions..... That, to a certain degree also applies to the Redwoods (tho not as cold)....nice place in any weather. Being prepped for the weather gives you more flexibility in photo taking. </p>


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<p>The US southwest has some great options depending on what you find to be "comfortable". The following list has places like Canyon de Chelly that are mid-50's during the day, but overnight it's down into freezing - I'm OK with that in a tent, but not everyone is. However, this is my favorite part of the world for landscapes, so I'm partial to it.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.theguardian.com/travel/2013/oct/17/top-10-national-parks-in-arizona">http://www.theguardian.com/travel/2013/oct/17/top-10-national-parks-in-Arizona</a></p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Well, at lower elevations, you've got peak or near peak foliage in a lot of mid-Atlantic and Southern parks--I"m guessing that Smokey Mountains are superb right now, we just barely passed peak foliage for the Shenandoah and Skyline. This is also the time of year that we get the best sunrises and sunsets for the mid-Atlantic.<br>

I spend my honeymoon in Yellowstone in October and it was superb…the geysers and hot springs in the cold child of the morning…what a visual sight! For both Yellowstone and Yosemite, peak crowds will be past so a lot less people.<br>

If you're looking for warmer weather, than Southern Utah and Southern Arizona have some spectacular national parks that won't have 100 degree temperatures at this time of year.<br>

The list of options is endless.</p>

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<p>Thanks guys. I have been intrigued by the Valley for Fire State Park, NV. I can easily spend a few days there. However; the camping is first come first served. How difficult is it to get a site there (like on a Sunday night) for the next few days? I will be flying there from DC and would be really bummed out if I don't get a site!<br>

Thanks so much.</p>

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<p>I would think that at many areas, Sunday night and in to the next week would not be too big a problem. Friday and Saturday nights, that's a different story. One problem at Yosemite and likely some other parks as well is that they reduce the number of campgrounds open or cut out sections of the campgrounds so they might still be hard to reserve.</p>

<p>Although Yosemite can be a special case because of the reductions, it's popularity, and nearness to high population areas, one can contact the NPS camping system by phone (the good old fashioned way) and I've found the agents to be very helpful. They are more used to working the web info and better at quickly finding open or available sites. If interested in Valley of Fire, you might find Zion to be worth considering. It doesn't have the altitude of many of the other western parks and might be available. Not sure on Death Valley as it's closer to L.A. and winter is the high season there.</p>

<p>Vally of Fire is a state park (I believe) but you might be able to get some info direct from them. I have no idea how likely they are to be available though.</p>

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<p>ok sorry for the post again. There has been a sudden change in my plans. I have to go upto Maine and spent time with family :(. I will be around lake Sebago area in Maine. Are there any scenic areas that I can visit, esp with any snow?<br>

After Sebago, I have to head down to Boston. I can take a few pics in the city. But I would love suggestions of scenic landscape shots around Lake Sebago.<br>

Thanks so much.</p>

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