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Thin vs. Large Brides


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<p>Common sense would dictate a portfolio to include images of various body types yet...I remember one experience where I was showing some bridal images in a mag to a group at work. It featured several couples, one of which had an overweight bride. "what's SHE doing there?", "You'd think they'd pick someone else to show" "I can't believe they chose that photo", "OMG what DOES she look like?" etc etc. ALL these comments were made by women. And bridal ads, promos are aimed at women. If a magazine contains ads for bridalwear, catering, venues etc they're going to put up images of a gorgeous bride to sell it. Now if one of those ads had a pic of an overweight bride would YOU stop to look, or would you wince and move on to the next page? Of course it isn't fair, but the photographers, caterers, and wedding businesses in general are stuck with it. UNLESS public perception changes...so I guess it's down to us.</p>
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<p>Sad....that people are so shallow and our industry plays right along with it. "use me, hire me"....YOU too can look like this on your wedding day...............( not really, but heck, if we can get you to hire us that's all that matters )..........the money machine............</p>


<p>Are you fat? I mean what's the problem? If you are into the visual arts you rapidly realize that having a a trim athletic model is easier than making Rubenesque work. I used to think hand models were dumb. Then I started seeing a bunch of amateur or low budget ads on the internet using the average persons hands and the ugliness of the hands distracted from the point of the ad. I look at camera equipment reviews and these guys are too amateur to cut their nails or push back their cuticles or trim some dead skin. I feel like a middle aged woman critiquing manicures talking about this but it's true. It's distracting.</p>

<p>These people are running a business. I make some money off of photography but it's really just a hobby for me. But if I were to do it full time I would do the easy stuff like get a decent Canon or Nikon DSLR. I would get some decent L glass. I would use a tripod. And I would use some good looking talent in nice clothes. Not hard. Why even think about it? Life is complex enough. All these people trying to use their plump sister and an iphone are just wasting time. Why not expend your efforts on other things like tax law and contracts. Why make the basics any harder than they need to be?</p>

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