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Aperture 2 Layout In Photoshop CS5

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<p>Buongiorno from 22 Degrees C Wetherby UK,<br>

I'm wanting to ween my self off Aperture 2 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Apple-MB673Z-A-Aperture-Retail/dp/B000BX5IKI and into photoshop but Ive hit an obstacle.<br>

<br />I love how in Aperture 2 you can edit thumnail pics at the bottom of the screen layout and see an expanded version above, this is layout I'm reting to describe:<br />http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc53/zymurgy_bucket/aperure-layout_zps6e253e67.jpg<br>

But in Photoshop CS5 i just cant replicate this type of fast flow editting. I know I must be missing something. Ive tried fiddling with mini bridge but no luck, i just end up with too many tabs opened :-(<br>

So my question is please:<br>

"How can I replicate the editing workflow in Aperture 2 illustrated here http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc53/zymurgy_bucket/aperure-layout_zps6e253e67.jpg in Photoshop CS5"<br>

Grazie tanto,<br>


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<p>I don't think that PS has a thumbnail view. Try searching for a plug-in that provides the functionality.</p>

<p>FWIW why leave Aperture? It provides capabilities the complement PS, not replace it. I'm a LR user myself, so am not familiar with Aperture but I use LR for file management and simple editing, the pop into PS for complex editing. The two work beautifully together. I would think Aperture + PS would do the same.</p>

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<p>You should upgrade to Aperture 3. World of difference, but as has been said, Aperture and Photoshop work together. Photoshop doesn't have the database capabilities that Aperture and Lightroom have. I think a lot of people use PS as the "go to" tool from Aperture when you want more refinement. Also, those changes are reflected in Aperture after you save the file. And you can non-destructively save multiple versions of one shot.</p>

<p>Mini bridge is not that great. Have you tried using the full blown version of Bridge as your conduit to PS? That would be the closet way of doing what you want. The only thing is that Bridge's database is very limited, but you can rate your photos, tag them, geo code them, etc.</p>

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