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FF lens turbo/speed booster with 24mm and 35mm


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<p>I have not been posting for a while due to crazy work schedule. I completely fall off the wagon on photo taking. I am slowly coming back. For those friends who know me, I have a serious addiction for gear collection more so than picture taking. It is an irony that I spend hours in studying lens and have a few occasional moments that I actually find the time to take pictures. Life is good but sadly busy. I need a vacation in some scenic places with a camera but no internet, computers, and mobile devices.</p>

<p>You may have heard of <a href="http://philipbloom.net/2013/01/13/speedbooster/">Metabones speedbooster</a> and there is a recent cheaper alternative with <a href="http://www.stevehuffphoto.com/2013/05/27/my-nex-6-with-lens-turbo-converter-by-jason-wang/">Zhongyi Lens Turbo</a> from a Chinese company. They work as a focal reducer that almost off-set the crop factor of a Full Frame lens on the APS-C and claim to provide close to 1 stop of speed gain. Too bad, both Metabones and Zhongyi don't have a version to work on Pentax camera body. The Zhongyi do have a version that adapt FF pentax K mount to NEX/m43 bodies. And after much hesitation, I have a copy ordered and I should have a copy in 10 days.</p>

<p>Need your suggestions for <strong>favorite 24mm and 35mm</strong> with the following spec:</p>


<li>No Pentax DA as the lens turbo don't work with DA lenses without aperture ring.</li>

<li>Pentax FA 31mm f/1.8 is out of the question as I can't afford</li>

<li>Manual focus is preferred</li>

<li>Ideally to be sharp across frame as the LT will degrade the corner sharpness</li>

<li>I personally pick bokeh over sharpness in a pinch decision. As long as the lens is dead good on center sharpness and great bokeh, I am good.</li>

<li>No need to be super fast as in f/1.8 as the speed gain can help with the lens. Maybe f/2.8 and f/3.5 will do.</li>

<li>Inexpensive and reasonably good quality</li>

<li>Either K or M42 but prefer K mount</li>


<p>And I have picked my 24mm candidate with Dave's favorite lens -- <strong>Sigma SuperWide 24mm f/2.8 in K mount</strong> with MF and A setting. But I have problem finding a good 35mm f/2.8. Anyone with experience on FA 35mm f/2.0, it is quite expensive in ebay ranging ~$500, occasionally see used copy around $300. Is the M 35mm f/2.8 any good? I see mixed review on the M version and the K version is much higher priced as in $300. And what about the SuperTakumar 35mm f/2.0, any experience?</p>

<p>Anyway, if you have a<strong> good 35mm to recommend</strong>, please help me out.</p>

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<p>Here are few pictures using the Sigma Super-Wide II 24mm f/2.8 on K7 and Sony nex 5N while waiting for the Lens Turbo delivery. When my LT comes, my 24/35 will be like 25mm /37mm lens in the focal reducer with 0.71 wider conversion when used with LT on APS-C camera. It is cool to have a real 25mm FOV from a 24mm. And the normal view from a 35mm won't be too far from 37mm FOV.</p>

<p><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7296/9468442227_02720a02f3_z.jpg" alt="" width="425" height="640" /><br /> K7<br /> <br /><br /><br /> <img src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2825/9471230418_3beeb5c26c_z.jpg" alt="" /><br /> K7 @ f/3.5<br /> <br /><br /><br /> <img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5521/9468449629_ca56c780d1_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="640" /><br /> K7 @ f/4.5<br /> <br /><br /><br /> <img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5503/9471219402_c059625fd6_z.jpg" alt="" /><br /> K7 @ f/3.2<br /> <br /><br /><br /> <img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7406/9471215972_b3027b85c5_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="425" /><br /> NEX 5N @f/2.8</p>

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<p>I don't like the original petal lens hood from the Sigma Super-Wide II. For some odd reason, Sigma names it the perfect lens hood. One can't use the original lens cap with the hood, how perfect can that be. I replace the hood with a small 52mm round metal lens hood and I do see quite a bit of lens flare. May need to re-try with the not-so-perfect original hood. This shot has less flare when I purposely move away from the sun on right<br /><br /><br /> <img src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3761/9471227436_5d2ca917e6_b.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="680" /><br /> with K7</p>
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<p>Hin, I really don't know just how good they are relative to other choices, but I've heard generally positive things about the old screwmount Tak 24/3.5, 28/3.5, and 35/3.5 -- and I would personally love to see how these work out. I know if I had one of these things, I'd love to see what my M24-35/3.5 would look like (though it's probably poo). May or may not be what you're interested in though. <br>

I think only the 24 and 28 had Pentax-K equivalents and believe they're pretty uncommon, the f/2.8 or faster variants are much easier to find (and possibly just as good).<br>

<br />Are Lens Turbo for m4/3 actually available yet? I am seeing only the NEX e-mount models. Also, I suspect you won't get FF-equivalent angle-of-view for m4/3, I don't think they'll be doing 0.5x reduction.</p>

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<p>@Andrew, you are right and I am mistaken about the M43 as lens turbo are available for NEX and the Fuji for aps-c sensors.</p>

<p>About the SuperTakumer 35mm f/3.5, I already have won a bid and it should arrive anytime. That Takumar was highly praised for color and contrast, I hope LT work well with it. A lot of LT (lens turbo) and SB (speed booster) owners rave about the Canon FD 35mm f/2.0 but I have the LT on Pentax mount. Though much cheaper, the LT cost $142 and when I make my decision, I go with where my lens collection amass. I wish the Tak 24mm f/3.5 is cheaper; otherwise, the smaller size and weight may win over the Sigma as the combo of LT + lens adds bulk to the NEX. I may consider the Tak 28mm f/3.5 as it is a darn cute lens that I have used before. The Tak 105mm and 135mm will be on my study list again as I have stupidly sold the dreamy but colorful and unique 105mm before.</p>

<p>Cheers and Thanks!</p>

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<p>@Todd, I miss you much. And I do miss my lady queen</p>

<p><img src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3065/3022132149_24ed323d16_b.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="685" /></p>

<p>It was the LBA guilty feeling in the past that I had to let it go. And now with the price hike in many of the Pentax lenses, I can't afford it. The lady queen in 31mm has the unusual surreal and calming bokeh in the 77 and 43. You will enjoy it for sure. Just imagine you can use it without the crop factor in your K5 .... Don't label it with the price tag and you will enjoy it with joyful colors and great memories.</p>

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<p>Hin, I didn't check but suspect most of those old wide angle Taks don't focus nearly as closely as the better-than-one-would-expect-from-the-nameplate Super-Wide as you have demonstrated so nicely on a couple of your shots above. I have a few of these Taks in my collection (I have a 105, and maybe both a 28 and 35?) but shamefully haven't gotten around to shooting any of them yet. I'd really planned on shooting them with film but haven't been doing much of that lately.</p>
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<p>Hi Hin - I like the superwide a lot, I am not sure you can do better at 24mm for Pentax. I have a Samsung branded version of the FA 35/2, and it does darn well. I was going to get rid of it, but couldn't sell it for $300; I decided to use it for a while and give it a try, and instead I may sell my 43 and 31. It isn't quite as good of a lens as either of those, but gets darn close.</p><div>00btow-541832184.jpg.a1064a0ad3cff05fa4edfd3b1c691f43.jpg</div>
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<p>@Michael, thanks for pointer for A 24mm f/2.8. That would be sweet lens to have but I rarely find it available. I find 24mm in general is a rare lens to find in Pentax. The Sigma has the 24mm f/1.8 in AF but I think that is also a good lens to consider by it is way too bulky for my need on NEX. In the NEX land, many owners have flocked to the usage with Lens Turbo and Speedbooster to take back the crop factor. And the dominant mount is the Canon FD, many NEX owners rave about the Canon FD 35mm f/2.0 and the FD 24mm f/2.0. If you have some experience with the FD lenses, please do share with us.</p>

<p>@Nick, whatever you do, think twice or quadruple times before you let go on your FA 35mm, 43 and 31 limited. Once you let them go, a used or newer copy that match your current condition is hard to come by especially on the 31 and 35 without a price hike. And Pentax FF AF lenses are very lacking and if the FF story in Pentax bears any fruits at all, you have a great collection for the untapped territory of digital FF. I am holding on to my 43 and 77 limited and have an arsenal of FF inexpensive but quality Tamron adaptall-2 and K-mount lenses at my disposal. The Pentax limited lenses are special and I love them especially on the color and small sizes. In hindsight, I wish I had not sold my 31 limited even though I used it less than others at the time of ownership. It was mostly LBA guilty feeling for one and crop factor of 1.5 that leads less use in my case. If in doubt, take your lens for a spin and it will only clear up for your decision.</p>

<p>@Andrew, thanks for your inputs. I share your occasional urge for a film shootout. I have many rolls of 120 films collecting dust. The most hesitation come to the scanning chore. But the color palette and the ever wonderful b&w pictures in my flickr contacts are what draw my interest all the time.</p>

<p>I missed my old buddy with a cheapo Vivitar 24mm f/2.8 P/k-AR mount<br /> <img src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6096/6351176784_079db6dfd3_b.jpg" alt="" /><br /> Rioch xr-p, Vivitar 24mm f/2.8, Kodak BW400CN, scanned at home with Canon 8800F</p>

<p>The 24mm in FF film without the crop factor works great and film is always intriguing for that fresh touch with your vision.</p>

<p>Cheers, Hin</p>

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<p>@Andrew, you have to take out your Takumar for a spin. My copy of SuperTak 35mm f/3.5 arrives and I have the original lens hood. I bid this one solely to get the lens hood and it is also in very good to pristine condition. I can't be happier. Here is how it looks when mounted on my NEX with a Konica AR mount adaptation for a smaller setup in appearance.</p>

<p><img src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2849/9481920294_4351c07b8a_b.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p><img src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2811/9481906982_1134cf594f_b.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>The M42 to NEX adapter is relatively bigger and the smaller Konica AR adapter works well with the Tak and I can hand hold the combo and manual focus comfortably with the setup. My previous experience with SuperTak has been a bit of mixed feeling as I find the 28mm and perhaps the 35mm too small like a pancake for my style of focusing using my left hand fully wrapped around the lens barrel for support and focusing.<br /> <br /><br /><br /> And here is another M42 Russian Industar 50-2 50mm f/3.5 pancake setup that uses the similar setup with a M42 to Konica AR mount adapter in the middle silver adapter<br /><br /> <img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5466/9481954902_4ebc44699a_b.jpg" alt="" /></p>


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<p>Hey, Hin! Good to hear from you. In truth, I haven't shot with that Sigma for a while--I need swap it into the bag. Like you I have a 3rd party metal hood on it. That makes it a bit less pocket-able but I do believe in hoods. I don't know anything about this new tinker you're trying but it doesn't sound like it would simplify things ;~) </p>
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<p>@Dave, thanks for visiting. I like options and I don't mind tinkering more to get that full frame FOV with my K and M42 lenses. Of course, there is always the unknown con factors that I am about to find out.</p>

<p>Some pictures with SuperTakumer 35mm f/3.5 shooting wide open this morning with my NEX 5N. All shot @ f/3.5<br /><br /> <img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5445/9486842279_217bdcd715_b.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="576" /><br /> <br /><br /><br /> <img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7430/9489657974_4939b4c0f8_b.jpg" alt="" /><br /> <br /><br /><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7344/9489632716_d7889751d4_b.jpg" alt="" width="680" height="1024" /></p>

<p>The SuperTak is charming to use in the shooting. It has buttery smooth focusing ring and it works well with my NEX camera with focus peaking for manual focusing.</p>

<p>Cheers,<br /> Hin</p>

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<p>My stacking of two adapters function the same way like the M42 to NEX adapter. It just saves a bit of bulk, the regular M42 to NEX adapter is bulkier<br /><br /><br /> Here is a picture of the M42 to NEX adapter with Russian pancake Industar 50-2 50mm f/3.5 in M42 mount. The regular M42 to NEX adapter is bigger than the lens.<br /> <img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7145/6522817317_2e2e3dbd3e_b.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="677" /> <br /> The SuperTak has been impressive. It surprises me in wide open shots with good sharpness. My AWB in Sony is very weak indoor and I don't like the AWB and hence I shoot b&w in the series. When time allows, I will shoot the SuperTak a bit more. At this moment, the superTak is a gem in my LBA book. <br /> <br />Its MF ring is buttery smooth, wide open shots are very usable and I don't think I can ask more from the little lens. The previous negative experience with the SuperTak that I find them too small to be used on Pentax digital bodies. The problem is offset by the addition of the extra adapter with the NEX. It is an irony that the extra adapter(s) add bulk but they make the overall combo easier to hand hold for precise focusing. It is hard to explain -- I find the Takumar too small to hand-hold properly for manual focusing in Pentax digital bodies. It is similar to MF the DA and FA limited lenses especially the pancake in DA 21 as I find them too small for my approach of focusing -- I like to embrace my palm on the lower part of the lens barrel for support and precise focusing.</p>
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<p>Here is a view from top on my setup but I don't have the side-by-side comparison with the regular m42 to NEX adapter, you have to trust my words for it -- my setup with the SuperTak 35mm is smaller and I wrap my left palm on the bottom of the adapter + lens barrel.</p>

<p><img src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3766/9481924658_16e41c4615_b.jpg" alt="" width="678" height="1024" /><br /> <br /><br /><br /> In terms of smallest sake, I am obsessive in getting the smallest lens on my NEX to work. And here is my smallest with Pentax Auto 110 24mm f/2.8 that I have proudly owned with 25.5mm filter size. You see a step-up ring with 25.5mm to 37mm for my missing lens cap</p>

<p><img src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2881/9485329905_1dd0c3c57d_b.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p><img src="http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3787/9485318685_62887926b0_b.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="678" /></p>

<p>This is a mock up using construction paper for adding a paper disk to stop down my 24mm to about f/5.6 (rough guessing) with a regular punch hole, I have other leather punch to experiment on various sizes.<br /> <img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5491/9488110280_c73d573085_b.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>but so far my attempt have been more of a failure as I am worsening the vignette while helping the lens to stop down. There is probably a physical limitation with the image circle in Pentax Auto 110 not covering the APS-C sensor. Had I had a M43 camera, this will work without vignette. I am cutting a Lensbaby creative magnetic disk and I will report back how it works out. The vignette is not as bad in the 24mm and 50mm and I am still hopeful for the modification.</p>

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Possibly the aperture would have worked better if it could have gone between elements. I haven't handled one but guess

the auto 110 had a leaf shutter/aperture immediately behind the rear element but it didn't need as large an imaging circle

for tiny 110 negatives.


The m42 adapter does look pointlessly huge, I guess they have one casting for all their adapters even though m42 is

smaller diameter than most. Have you been shooting any AR glass?

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<p>Andrew, I wish you or other members join me for a small and compact mirror-less camera, the world is actually quite exciting outside the Pentax/Ricoh land. Yes on the idea of having the disc in between elements. Someone actually manage to get the least vignette on the 18mm f/2.8 when he places the disk in between the front and rear elements of the tiny auto 110 18mm f/2.8. I am not handy man, so I opt for no lens operation and instead place the disk as close as I can get from the rear of the Pentax 110 to NEX adapter and it is close enough to the rear element of the lens like the auto 110 body's leaf shutter placement.</p>

<p>The rangefinder type of lens are way cool but out of my budget. The Leica M mount lenses cost a bundle and one can actually buy most of the Sony native E mount lenses with AF and OSS. The Zeiss 24mm f/1.8 in native E mount is the exception as it cost over 1K. The adapter for RF type of lenses are much smaller and compact for Leica M, L39, LTM, Contax G, Olympus Pen-F etc. I only have one cheapo L39 Russian lens with Industar 69 28mm f/2.8 pancake</p>

<p><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7007/6495229803_0dd5195c02_b.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="680" /><br /> Industar 69 28mm f/2.8 in L39 mount.</p>

<p><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7018/6495448955_a3a120675e_b.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="680" /></p>

<p><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7145/6497066643_15e3dab925_b.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="600" /><br /> Shot likely wide open with 5N, 28mm, f/2.8, iso 3200, -1 Ev, 1/30 sec hand-held</p>

<p>Performance is very reasonable for a $30 Russian lens and size matches well with the NEX. But color and contrast can be better. The rangefinder lenses that I have been studying with great interest is the Voiglander Nokton Classic 35mm f/1.4 and Voigtlander Color Skopar 35mm f/2.5. Others include the Olympus Pen-F 38mm f/1.8 and 40mm f/1.4 and Contax G Carl Zeiss 45mm f/2.0 are well sought after for use with mirror-less compact cameras.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Shot wide open with SuperTak 35mm f/3.5, NEX 5N, and Cosina 1:1 achromatic macro adapter. My diopter is in 49mm and the SuperTak is likely in 52mm filter size. I need to hand hold the adapter in front of my breakfast plate this morning. The SuperTak has MFD at 0.45 meter/1.5 feet. So a diopter is needed for close up for flower or foodie quick snap. The SuperTak works quite well with my Cosina macro adapter....<br>

<br /><br /><br>

<img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5343/9493239279_3ac481ea48_b.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="1024" /><br>

<br /><br /><br>

<img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7388/9496041508_db44a2b81d_b.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="576" /></p>

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<p>Hin, thanks for sharing your opinion. Can't wait to see how the Lens turbo will work out for you. <br>

I'm in a similar situation, eager to try out the LT. But I'm not sure which lens to start with. <br>

Problem is, I don't own any APS-C mirrorless anymore. I only have M43. I can't exactly replicate the 35mm FOV using LT. Crop factor is still going to be ~1.4. I may just get another Fuji (maybe the X-M1? I prefer Fuji than Sony). </p>

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<p>BTW, to answer your question, I've owned Kiron 28/2 at some point in the past, not the best performer among 28mm lenses, but I did like the look of it wide open. I've never used it stopped down. <br>

I see these day you can get a M 28/2.8 around 50 bucks or so. Seems like a good performer based on Pentax forum reviews.</p>

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