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Luminance HDR hijacked my icons - how can I fix this.

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<p>So I downloaded Luminance HDR and now all my tiles are the Luminance HDR tiles. I actually removed the program but I still have those icons. I'd really to see my default Raw tiles that show me they are cannon files. How do I revert this back to the way it was?</p>
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<p>What operating system? I'm guessing Windows?<br>

If so, go to the Control Panel and change the program association for your files back to whatever you want, from Luminance.<br>

"Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Default Programs\Set Associations" is the place.</p>



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<p>Thanks Chas - yes, Windows XP. "All control panel tems"? Forgive my lacking computer skills, where is that option? I got all sort of options but that one is not visible to me. I tried selecting all the items but no dice. Could you guide me to that area?</p>


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<p>Go to one of your raw files and right click on it, choose "Properties" (bottom of list that opens) in the Properties dialog near the top you'll see "Type of File" and under that "Opens With".</p>

<p>Next to that is "Change", click on Change and select the program you would like to open the files with from the list shown. If it's not in the list you'll have to click on "Browse" and navigate to the .exe file in the program's folder.</p>

<p>This will usually be in C drive - Program Files - and then the folder for your program (e.g. Adobe - Lightroom or in your case probably Canon - whatever canon's program is called) - and look for the launch file for the program in the file list. Select that as your preferred program to open the files and make sure the box is ticked for "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file" Click OK and you're done. If you've done it correctly you should see all of your files of the same kind associated with your selected program.</p>

<p>If you have trouble browsing to the .exe file go to Start - All Programs and locate the icon that normally launches your desired program. Instead of launching it (a left click) right click on it and choose Properties and then click on Find Target. This will highlight the launch file in its location on the disk and you then need to navigate to the same location using the instructions above from "Browse". Just a different way of getting there if you have trouble finding it.</p>

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