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Prcision Mouse Recommendation

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<p>Personally, something like the lasso tool, a mouse just isn't convenient - something like a Wacom Tablet (even the simplest, cheap Bamboo one) is much, much easier to use.<br>

For a mouse, I have a Logitech MX420 and MX500, which use laser instead of IR, and they're much nicer and more precise too. I like how they fit my hand, but as always, that is largely a personal preference. But the good "fit" does help operating it more precisely, in my view. But still nowhere near as precise and comfortable as a drawing tablet.</p>

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<p>I haven't used a tablet for a long time, but I second the idea that one might be better than a new mouse.<br>

I personally was never comfortable with an upside-down mouse (ball), but some people I know love them. </p>

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<p>I found that mouse accuracy, especially after the 3rd cup of coffee, could be improved by going into the control panel, mouse settings feature in Win7 and slowing down the mouse speed. I have a fairly good Microsoft optical mouse, but slowing it down helped with lasso and other fine motor control tasks in PS. Worth a try. </p>
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<p>I second the recommendation by Wally Wolfe to change the sensitivity of the mouse. If you right click on any blank area of the screen you will get a pop up window. Click on "Personalize" and then "Change Mouse Pointers". The "Pointer Options" tab has the selections to change the speed.</p>

<p>If that does not work out, I recommend a trackball such as the Kensington models. You can use your entire hand to move the ball very slowly while using the other hand to hold down the button to drag as you move. The big advantage, when combined with changing the mouse speed, is the heavy ball does not move the pointer if your fingers twitch a bit.</p>

<p>Danny Low</p>


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