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Benro Blackrapid hook?


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<p>I just received my Benro today, and I gotta tell you, it feels great. Really top notch quality.</p>

<p>But is there any way I can use a blackrapid with the bracket?<br /><br />I see there is a screwdriver screw on the bracket. Is using the original screw the smartest thing to do? OR can I infact use a cabin hook compatible screw, if so where can I find it? </p>

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<p>Thanks, Eskil. My confusion was (is?) based on which Black Rapid you're talking about - the company appears to make (I'd heard of them, but you inspired me to look at their web site) a wide range of support products (and lens caps, and a T-shirt, for some reason). I'm also a little confused about which "bracket" you're talking about - are you trying to connect the Black Rapid to the camera quick release plate (so that you can keep the plate on the camera whether or not you're using it with the tripod) or are you trying to use a strap to carry the tripod itself?<br />

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Not that I'm going to be in a position to advise, having neither a Benro nor any of Black Rapid's range, but I'm here to learn. :-)<br />

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To be honest, no matter how much I like the idea of a more convenient camera strap, the idea of anything that hangs the camera by the tripod screw while I'm walking about is worrying to me. At least a proper QR plate won't be as likely to unscrew as the camera moves, but I'd always worry that this kind of attachment would drop my camera. I appreciate that most users seem happy with them, though I have heard recent reports of someone dropping a camera from one of these. I'm currently using only the camera's strap eyes, though I could stretch to using the slots on my QR plate as well. I'm interested to hear from people who use things differently, though.</p>

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<p>The only thing that BlackRapid makes that is compatible with a tripod quick release arrangement is for the Manfrotto RC2 QR system. It is called the <a href="http://www.blackrapid.com/products/fastenr-t1">FastenR Tripod</a>. I've used it, and while it works as advertised, I find that I end up with too much time where the camera is not attached to either the strap or the tripod for my liking, unless I have the BR attached to my 100-400.</p>

<p>If you have an RC2 plate on your camera, you replace the Manfrotto screw with the wire bail (this is what secures the plate to the camera or lens) with the FastenR Tripod, but is supposed to be stronger, and accommodates the carabiner hook of the BR strap. The BlackRapid screw folds flat enough, after removing the carabiner, so you can still get the RC2 plate into the RC2 holder on the head.</p>

<p>About the only reason it works is there is a lot of relatively empty space in the RC2 system. Most other QR systems, including others from Manfrotto, don't have that kind of empty space.</p>

<p>There is another device that might work, the <a href="http://www.customslr.com/products/m-plate-pro#.URqUbPLisYk">Custom SLR M-Plate. </a>This plate can, apparently, mount to either a Manfrotto RC-2 or an Arca-Swiss base, and has a separate threaded hole to which you could attach a BlackRapid eyelet. I've not used that, only seen the ads for it.</p>

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<p>Larry, thanks for the info. I'm not sure how relevant it is to the Benro head, but Arca-Swiss's latest heads (that use the same QR system as Benro - or, strictly, vice-versa) have extra space under them because their traditional clamps include support for the narrower monoball/slide fix system. That might mean that the FastenR has space to fit under a plate on that type of head. I don't know the Benro head design enough to know if it has clearance. There might be room for attachment elsewhere if you have a larger L plate, though.</p>
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  • 2 months later...

<p>I don't really understand the poster's question either. These companies make more than one product. But if he means how to conveniently use a Black Rapid shoulder strap while also leaving a QR plate on his camera, I have a solution:</p>

<p>I leave an RRS L-plate on my Nikon D700 all the time, and thanks to the very good suggestion of another Photo.net member here, use a <a href="http://www.kirkphoto.com/1_in_Quick_Release_Clamp.html">Kirk 1" QR clamp</a> to allow me to quickly remove the Black Rapid strap from the plate. I just screw the lug from the Black Rapid strap into the Kirk clamp, and use the knob to quickly attach and detatch the clamp from my camera. Note that the RRS L-plates have a threaded tripod hole as well, so you can also screw the Black Rapid strap directly into that, but of course it takes more time to move back and forth than a QR clamp. My tripod head has a standard Arca-Swiss compatible quick release clamp to which the L-plate slides in as well.</p>

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