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Oily 35mm


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Hi - Thanks again for everyone's response to my question about

compatibility of 35mm with goggles with M4-7, Bessa R2 and Hexar.


My question today concerns the same lens - it appears to have a

slight oily discharge (please do not make fun of using this word)from

the rear of lens from the part that moves on focusing (helicoid?).

The lens itself is very clear, sharp and has no other problems - it

is an incredible lens with subtle renditions of tone, both in color

and b&w film. Is the oil drip (more like moisture condensation but it

is black and greasy)indicative of a more serious problem. I have been

carefully removing it from time to time with a cotton swab. Is there

more that I should do.

Thanks for any "expert" advice.

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depends on if it was regreased b4 you bought it. Alternatively the grease could have seized up a bit and subsequent reuse of the lens started shifting the hardened grease towards the ends. I would seriosuly not worry about it as long teh focussing action is very smooth and even through the range!
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The grease could have broken down into solids and liquid oils if it hasn't been used for a while, simply through age. But if it looks like condensation, the oil/lens may have been subject to moisture that has emulsified the grease. If it hasn't gotten onto the lens elements, just wipe off the excess, as obviously it is still working its way around the lens and doing some sort of lube job. Don't bother sending it for cleaning or repair unless you have a specific problem.
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