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Need Cloudy Day Shooting Ideas !


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Here I sit with my new to me Toyo 45 outfit and it's been cloudy

nine out of ten days since it arrived. It's forecast to be cloudy

all week. This is driving me nuts. The water in the river is the

color of lead, the dead winter folliage has bleached out to a just

beige version of the same tonal value and most of the local geology

is no better.


Any ideas? I need to push the plunger if you know what I mean.

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Push the plunger for a new flush of ideas! :-) (bad pun! bad pun! no biscuit!)


Shoot and then develop for contrast, i.e., push the film at least two stops. Also, take a drive around town in the night with the camera and tripod in your car. Set it up to shoot out the passenger's window so you won't get soaked. Look for film-noire types of scenes, even if it's just a street lamp with wet pavement. If the rain lets up, look for odd color patterns to photograph in the wet pavement.

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I don't know what part of Texas you're in, but...


Ice falls, Icy falls (in creeks and rivers), icy rocks and boulders in creeks


Weathered tree limb abstracts


Still lifes/table tops, see www.photosig.com


Architectural details, churches, etc.


Reflections in chrome, glass, water...


If you're short on color, try adding an 80A blue, an orange, or red filter to the ice/tree shots above. I recently saw a striking photo of bare vines taken against a gray sky, except it was shot with an orange filter.


The only limit is your mind, photography is about seeing.





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Thanks. I see a few others are house-bound as well, gaging by the speed at which replys are coming in.


As soon as I posted I began to think of a few ideas myself. And you have given me more.


I especially like the model idea but I don't think 'you know who' would buy that one. Art has limits in her mind. #%^)

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hi scott


find some architectural or shoot some portaits -

cloudy days are great - like a great big softbox.

don't let a few clouds hold you back ...


i'd rather shoot in overcast weather than in sun ..


have fun with your new camera :)


- john

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