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K200D not reading SD cards


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<p>Ok, been using these cameras right along and suddenly, today, I can not get either of my two regularly used K200's to acknowledge there is an SD card in them. Tried multiple cards. I then tried a card in my #3 K200D which I never use and it worked just fine. Are you kidding me??? The other 2 suddenly stopped working at the same time?<br>

I think the batteries might be weak and I only have 1 set as I am out of extra batteries at the moment. Could weak or dead batteries be the cause? And if so, why did it work in the 3rd camera? A fluke?</p>

<p>Any help greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>John B.</p>


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<p>Checked that. It is still odd that this happened on 2 cameras all of a sudden. The card slot also looks clean.</p>

<p>PS, When the card is inserted while the camera is off, the small light on the back of the camera doesn't blink like it does normally after inserting a card showing that it is reading the card. Again, this happns no matter what card I try to insert into the camera.</p>

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<p>I hope what happened to my dead white K-x does not happen to you. I love my white camera and I was traumatized with the experience.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.techtheman.com/2010/08/pentax-k-x-dead-with-memory-card-error.html"><img src="http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4135/4944363932_5e913f0696_z.jpg" alt="" /></a></p>

<p>I was lucky (or unlucky) that I got that memory card error within the 1st warranty year and CRIS replaces the card reader unit. I documented my <a href="http://www.techtheman.com/2010/08/pentax-k-x-dead-with-memory-card-error.html">K-x memory card error in a blog post</a> but I am not sure if that is similar to your problem. It is very unlikely that two of your similar K200 units goes out the same day. </p>

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<p>Not getting an error screen, it just doesn't seem to acknowledge there is even a card in the camera as it just says, "no card" or "no memory card".</p>

<p>Someone on another forum elsewhere said it is probably the card, but I have tried several cards in both cameras and none work. Granted, I usually use the same card so the others have been sitting around, Not sure if that makes a difference. I am hoping it is just weak batteries, as I tried the same batteries in both cameras., but need to get some fresh ones to find out.</p>

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<p>It sounds more like a weak battery especially when you mention about not seeing a light in reading off the card upon mounting. I will suggest to swap the #3 battery with either #1 or #2 and try it again. Make sure you label the battery accordingly so that you have a chance of finding the battery (or card) that seem to have the problem.</p>

<p>Whatever happens to my K-x is caused by SD reader unit failing for all different cards that I had at the time . The broken K-x reader was replaced in CRIS reasonably well but it took 6 to 7 weeks with 4 weeks in between waiting for part shipment in sea.</p>

<p>And guess what, a year after my K-x problem with Memory card , <a href="http://hintheman.blogspot.com/2011/11/backyard-tomato-with-story.html">my K20D died in the field</a> with green button operation with a K-mount lens, it was at 3.5 year mark and my three year warranty no longer helps. And my 2nd trip to CRIS is much more pleasant as not only CRIS replaced the whole mechanics in aperture and shutter control, they replaced my K20D bottom plate. It was a paid service with CRIS and I am very satisfied with CRIS. But I still have my grudges and dissatisfaction with Pentax repair representative who shows the least professional courtesy as compared to the CRIS actual repair.</p>

<p>Hope you find your solution soon.</p>

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<p>Thank you for your input. In the next day or so I'll be getting some new batteries. All 3 cameras are insured, so if batteries don't work, one of those cameras might have to have an accident. *laugh*. My insurance company told me I was covered for everything, even if I just dropped it! hahaha Due for a new camera anyway!</p>


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<p>@John, it may not be a bad idea to get a new SD card as well. My favorite is the Transend 8 Gig and Transend 16 Gig in class 10 speed from Amazon. I am not certain but I will imagine a bad SD card can have the possibility of not working consistently among your three K200.</p>
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<p>Is it possible to get a new SD card to try, it costs $8 for a new card? I use <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Transcend-Class-Flash-Memory-TS8GSDHC10E/dp/B003VNKNEG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1359579603&sr=8-1&keywords=transcend+8+gb+class+10+sdhc+flash+memory+card+ts8gsdhc10e">Transcend 8 Gig class 10</a> or something similar as long as your firmware supports it.</p>

<p>When I think of it, is it also possible that your K200 does not have the firmware and that you use it with the latest SD card in SDHC. I can't tell but if you have an older card, it is also worth trying to see if it is firmware related.</p>

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<p>have tried all different SD cards, all worked before yesterday. bought new SD card this PM, and nothing, still not reading it. Also, tried to install firmware update, but can't do it because camera not reading the cards! Looks like I somehow lost 2 cameras at the same time, what R the odds?</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>We all share your frustration. I really don't have a clue to offer more suggestions.</p>

<p>I do wonder if you can check on the firmware version on all three K200. You can do that in having the Menu button fully pressed while powering on your camera . See if there is a difference in the good working #3 from the two non-working one. It is unlikely that you get different versions of firmware but if they differ, there may be a pattern to investigate further.</p>

<p>And I will further suggest to use your #3 to reformat one SD card and right after reformatting, test the SD card directly on #1 and #2.</p>

<p>The other odd suggestion is to examine an existing card before and after reformat, and run through virus checking software on the SD card alone. If you are on PC, I recommend the free Microsoft Essential. As remotely unlikely as it sounds, I did get virus twice on an SD card when I helped my relative with photo shoot on two separate occasions and when I transported image files to his PC, I get virus in both times on the SD card. It is a live and learn experience in 'Write Protect' an SD card before plugging the card into a PC that may not be secure with the proper virus protection.</p>

<p>What are the odds that a defective SD card that make two of your K200 inoperable? I can't tell but it does not explain why the same SD card does not kill your 3rd K200. Unless you already stop using the original defective SD card.</p>

<p>I will just suggest to arm your system with a good virus software such as Microsoft Essential to examine your SD card. You can use the Windows Explorer in PC and Finder in Mac to look through your SD card for the strange files that don't end in raw or JPG. Reformat especially those new SD card with no data. And remember to check on the firmware versions on all three K200. This may sound absurd but if you have an old point and shoot camera that can be tossed into the investigation, use the p&s to examine the SD card as a guinea pig.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I added my reply to John in <a href="https://www.pentaxforums.com/forums/general-technical-troubleshooting/213303-k200d-not-seeing-sd-cards.html">PentaxForum thread </a></p>


<p>And John, do you mind to tell us the exact SD card and your firmware version on your #3 that is working. I just don't know if it is the obvious thing in your two non-working cameras that have older firmware and that you are using a later model of SD card requiring support of <strong>SDHC in newer firmware</strong>.</p>



<p>Latest firmware page for K200</p>



<li><a href="http://www.pentax.jp/english/support/digital/k200d_s.html">http://www.pentax.jp/english/support/digital/k200d_s.html</a></li>




<h5>Changes to V1.01</h5>

<ul >

<li>The following content have been improved in Version 1.01.<br />Improved stability of recording image for some SDHC Memory card.</li>



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<p>Ok, forget any firmware questions. Same firmware in all 3 cameras for one thing. And as I told Pentax yesterday over the phone, how exactly can I update the firmware if the camera can not even see an SD card that I put in? Even a new SD card the camera refuses to see it. It's obviously something going on with the card reader portion of the camera. Slot is totally spotless upon inspection. No corroded contacts that I can see. No broken bits anywhere to be seen, nothing. I even compared the slot interior to the working camera and they both look exactly the same. That camera is shot, and I am guessing so is the one that will not even turn on after replacing the batteries. Even Pentax said they have never seen 2 cameras go down at the same time. And despite my being a loyal customer of over 30 years, they were not willing to offer a bit of help in the repair dept. So much for loyalty. I can get that kind of treatment from anywhere else so I am debating why I should remain loyal to Pentax, and that is exactly what I told them over the phone.</p>
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<p>@John, as much as I like to claim myself as a Pentaxian. If you are professional photographer who counts on your gear day in and day out, I will discourage you from the Pentax brand. But playing the devil advocate, I think you likely get similar treatments unless you have a paid professional tailored program with the brand. </p>

<p>Having dealt two times with <a href="http://www.techtheman.com/2010/10/pentax-customer-service.html">Pentax Service department</a>, they showed the least courtesy that you would expect when you are suffering with distress on the issues. I don't know if you remember that I sent both of my K-x and K20D to CRIS. The best service out of my experience is the wonderful actual repair from CRIS -- they did outstanding job in that regard as far as I can tell from my 2 times with them. CRIS offers an online page to keep customers up to date on the repair and they charge me reasonably low on my K20D repair that was out of warranty. It is just the opposite with the Pentax Service Department who do everything by phone call, the experience with Pentax rep varies with the person who picks up the call. </p>

<p>Why do I stay with Pentax? You may ask. I am not professional and I am just hobbyist who enjoys Pentax gear very much when they are working.</p>

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<p>Douglas Stemke wrote:</p>



<p>Scarey. Sounds like Click-death that used to happen with old zip disks, the disks themselves passed the 'disease' onto each new one.</p>


<p>I so wish you hadn't reminded me of that. Nightmares tonight for sure.</p>


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