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Welta Welti 35mm with CSJ 2.8 in a Compur Shutter

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<p>There seems to be no "standard model" of this very nice little camera. It's one of the older ones(1934 according to the lens ser#) with black painted top and bottom plates but I have seen some plated ones that supposedly date from 1929. I need some advice on filters, lens hoods and the film counter. It's hard to tell exactly without a micrometer but the lens mounting seems to be about 25-26mm wide. The screw threads would be a little smaller than that. I have read about several different film counters but not the one on my camera. Most of them seem to be manual in that the operator has to move the counter after each shot. This one seems to be automatic in that as the sprocket shaft turns about three times the counter turns once. And, the counter can be set to zero by hand from the top plate. Any information would be greatly appreciated.</p>
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<p>I have one of these with the Tessar f/2.8 but a Vebur shutter. It looks very similar to the Beltica with the same lens and shutter. Both are very elegantly made, in keeping with the "age of elegance", 1920and '30s. The subsystems in these cameras have to be operated independently, for each exposure. They are not integrated, unlike those in the Post War cameras. So one needs to remember every move before taking a picture. My Beltica takes excellent pictures. Must go round with the Welta soon. sp</p>
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