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<p>I have dealt with them in the past - no problems whatsoever. The local repair-shop where I fix and clean my gear also has a lasting relationship with them. As much as I know it is actually a small business (maybe family owned) - so perhaps something bad happened to some of the owners. Reminds me of one ebay seller, wcrs, or whatever his nickname was, who used to sell medium format gear at really good prices. I must be one of the last to have ordered and RECEIVED the mamiya rb67 pro-sd set - after that the seller simply stopped trading and had an avalanche of negative feedbacks. and he had a perfect history of trading.</p>
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<p>I have just realised that you have provided a link to filtered negative responses only... making it seem as if their business had stopped completely. The statistics for the last 12 months say that they have 16391 positive, 175 neutral and 220 negative feedbacks. I am not saying that those are good figures, but 220 unhappy customers vs 16391 satisfied does not seem like a big tragedy to me. the negative rate is less than 2% and given the problems with current limited parts supply from nikon, canon and the like, that this and other repair shops are facing - I think it is pretty normal. </p>
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<p>It actually looks worse that that. Those 46 negatives all came within one month! When you click on "ALL" feedback, he has 3 or 4 negatives within the last 75 transactions, one negative, and a "positive" that states that it's been 40 days and nothing has arrived yet. That would be more than enough to keep me away, to put it mildly.</p>
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<p>let's hope it is some kind of temporary problems. It was one of the most important suppliers of camera parts to independent repair shops after the big manufacturers have cut the supply, so their going out of business would be sad news to many repairmen and their customers.</p>
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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>Update on Procamerarepair </p>

<p>I have, so far, been unable to recover my money from this company and have now escalated my complaint with eBay. They keep stall saying things like "we can't refund you because the money is held" that is they hold my money and did not send me the goods!</p>

<p>My next move will be to inform local law enforcement authorities and Internal Revenue Service as I suspect their actions are criminal.</p>

<p>Will keep you informed of developments.</p>


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<p>In my view I won't buy from anyone on eBay with a significant number of negative ratings. Everybody, even the worst sellers, seem to have little difficulty generating many more positives than negatives. Same is true on Tripadvisor, where you can read a review with all sorts of problems and the customer gives them five stars anyway. I guess the default award for many of us- far too many IMO -is top marks, and it just destroys the usefulness of the process. Given all those negatives, I wouldn't risk deal with procamerarepair and I don't need to see the other side of the coin to be clear on that. </p>
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