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Mac & Leaf Valeo


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<p>Hey Everyone,</p>

<p>I'm on the verge of updating my G5's...I use them for shooting and editing. From what I can tell, my Leaf Valeo 22 backs(particularly it's old software) won't run on the new Imac's or MacPro towers. </p>

<p>Soooo....in order to update my computers I'll need to get newer digital backs for my Hassy. Ugh.</p>

<p>Anyone know a way around this? My Leaf Valeo 22 backs(i have 2) are wonderful...had them for many years--trouble free. Rather not add to my upcoming investment by replacing great camera backs too.</p>

<p>Any feedback is appreciated!</p>


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<p>How about keeping one G5 for communication with the Valeo 22 the way you do now. Buy a new Mac and bring all Macs together in a network. From the new Mac you can open the files on the G5 with new software and store them on your new Mac in the new file format. All this assuming that new software will be able to read the old style files. This is often the case. Would this work? It is just an idea.<br>

Ferdi, still on a G4 but also on a MacBook.</p>

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