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Dress designer wants to use my wedding photos of Bride


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<p>I received an email this morning from a client of mine whose wedding I shot. She told me that the designer who did her dress wants some images for her website/business. How do I go about this process? Unfortunately my contract was somewhat generalized, and there were really no specifics about image rights and so forth. I know I'm missing something here but just wanted to see if there is a quick solution to this. Thanks! Jeff B.</p>
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<p>Are you in the US? If so, unless otherwise specified in your contract, you own copyright. Be flattered that the designer wants to use your picture, but ask yourself: What's in it for you? What is she going to do in exchange? How will that benefit you?</p>


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<p>The quick solution is to say yes. Without reading your contract, and w/o knowing your jurisdiction, one couldn't say w/ certainty that there is no restriction on you, but<em> most likely, here in the US</em>, you are within your rights to allow the designer to use your images. That's the general 'default mode' here.</p>

<p>Additionally, since the client forwarded the request, I must assume she is completely OK w/ it too, but it still makes good business sense to verify that with her prior to going forward. perhaps she could even put that in writing for the designer (a model release), though you don't need it obviously.</p>

<p>I would probably write up a quick contract for the designer regarding (mainly, I'd think) photo credit, and displaying contact information with the image(s), but I wouldn't charge her anything. That's just me though.</p>

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<p>How do I go about this process? Unfortunately my contract was somewhat generalized, and there were really no specifics about image rights and so forth. I know I'm missing something here but just wanted to see if there is a quick solution to this.</p>


<p><br /><br />Which process? Solution to what? We have no idea of what you are trying to accomplish if you don't tell us what it is. Allowing use, restricting use, preventing use, licensing for money, credit, ect, ect.?</p>

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<p>First - if you didn't assign copyright in the contract to the bride / groom - you have the right to sell you photos / control their usage. </p>

<p>Second - let the bride know that she should expect to be asked to sign a model release for dressmaker. It is a courtesy for you to get that for them, but not required. They will need to get that from the bride if you don't.</p>

<p>Finally pricing - 100% depends on the usage of the image. If it is a small shop, one time usage or limited usage then it is in the 50 - 100 dollar range. If it is large designer, multiple use rate would be well over $100</p>



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