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Travelling with luggage or backpack?


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<p>Some may think why are you going on this one off shopping spree .... it may be better to go slow and see what you want. </p>

<p>Why get two tiffen kits? Get a step up adaptor so you don't have to carry so many filters. Do you really need that many memory cards? Why get 2 different USB memory card readers? Get a multi reader. Do you have 4 cameras? 5D II, III, 6D and 7D? Are you a pro? If so that makes sense with the memory cards then maybe. Still why get two diff filter kits, 2 diff USB readers. Why all the non Canon accessories? Why the iPad if you are using so many memory cards? I heard the uploading of images with the iPad is fussy and slow and you only have 64GB on that one, much of it may be taken up by the OS and videos.</p>

<p>The lens - I don't know. Depends on how you shoot. </p>

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<p>Interesting shopping list. Most of that stuff, you don't really need, and it adds a lot of weight.</p>

<p>If I were buying a new 5D3 kit from scratch, I would purchase the 24-70 f/4L IS and 70-200 f/4L IS lenses to start with. Nothing more, nothing less. Maybe later add a 17-40 or a 16-35, but starting out, it's not something you need.</p>

<p>I don't see the point in buying memory cards that are smaller than 32 GB.</p>

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