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Extreme wide angle lenses for Nikon FM2n


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Hi. Cosina are in the process of re-mounting their 12mm rectilinear lens (originally made in Leica thread mount) for the Nikon AI mount. However, the lens will only be usable with cameras that have mirror lock up. (Luckily I have an old Nikkormat that offers this).


You may be better off to buy the lens with LTM and get a Bessa L (or the Cosina equivalent, the SW-107) to mount it on and have it as a second camera. Stephen Gandy (www.cameraquest.com) will sell you the body for only $75 when you buy the lens from him (for $650, making $725 all up before shipping). Considering that a used Nikkor 15mm lens is around $1000 and a used Sigma 14mm is around half that, that's a good price.


You could get a used 15mm fisheye Sigma for around $300, but it is not rectilinear - lines go ( ) instead of ||.


I am not affiliated to Stephen Gandy in any way, but I love his website.


Regards, Ross

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Thanks for the answers so far.


Sorry I should of specified that I was after a rectilinear lens rather than the fisheye. In the back of my mind I thought that there was a Russian lens, a Keleynar (spelling?) that offered a 12mm but maybe I am wrong on this.


I wouldn't be adverse to trying the more obscure makes as long as I could get an adapter to fit.


Maybe I am looking for something too wide but I have a 20mm and a 28mm nikon lens(es) and wanted something that was very different.


Any further comments are appreciated.

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I have seen a Russian Arsat 20 mm in Nikon mount, but I don't know about the availability in N america. There are several sites/dealers specializing in Russian cameras and lenses.


The Arsat 20 mm is very good, but I have the Cosina 20 mm and think it is better.


There ar Tamron 17 mm lenses for less than 200 new, but they are a wee bit fuzzy at the corners, but what do you want for 200, vs the 1000s for Nikon?


I have the Cosina/Voightlander 15 and 25 mm Leica mount lenses on a Bessa L and that can NOT be beaten for value for money. Both lenses are excellent and the newer one are better.



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