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My new book and website – Great Thanks to this Forum

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<p>After two years' hard work I am glad to say that my photo-book about Berkeley and the San Francisco Bay ("Fiat Lux! Down Memory Lane in California"), as well as the website for the book are ready.</p>

<p>I would like to take this occasion to thank the generous Community on this Forum for all their help with the many technical problems, mainly relating to preparing the photos for offset printing, that I had to deal with along the way. Special thanks are due to Andrew and Patrick, our utmost experts on digital processing on this Forum.</p>

<p>If you are interested, you can get glimpses of the book on its website emsvision.com </p>

<p>Please let me know, whether the website and book is to your liking ;-)</p><div>00bGwp-515619584.jpg.ea546cbb490c9857298337ba24150bb8.jpg</div>

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<p>Dear Dave,<br /> Just go to my website emsvision.com <br /> You can order it from there!</p>

<p>By the way, nice picture of West Gate. To my regret, I have no picture of that in the book. However, there is a picture of "Luke's Revenge" in the book, the huge globe in bronze located some 50 meters to the right of the sign you have put here. </p>

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<p>Emil, congratulations for completing your project.</p>

<p>It is very generous of you to show the book's images chapter by chapter at your site. However, I can't seem to view them from this page:</p>




<p>To read the text with accompanying pictures, please press the Page Ikon below!</p>


<p>I can't find or identify the "Page Ikon" on the page. It would be nice to view each image with its accompanying text, just as they are laid out in the book. But I'm unable to do so.<br>



<p>There are a lot more pictures than in the book for you to see here! If you would prefer to start by looking at them as a slideshow, please press the Picture Ikon at the bottom.</p>


<p>"Picture Ikon" in the above paragraph is NOT a link. The "19 pics" graphic at the bottom is a link, but the two names are different, making it confusing.<br /><br>



<p>The book took me fully two years to produce. This is my life's project, probably the last I will ever complete (I am much older than I look at the portrait to the right).</p>


<p>Nah, you are still a youngster, and there must be plenty of clicks left on your camera. What would be worthwhile for you, and for us, is a description of your project, especially about publishing of your book. It would be a good reference to this recent article:</p>




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<p>Dear Robert,</p>

<p>Thank you kindly for inspecting my new website emsvision.com so closely. Just a few clarifications, to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for.</p>

<p>I am not putting Chapters on the website as they are printed. I think Internet is a different medium from paper and demands a different way of presenting the content of a book. However, if you would like to see a sample of book pages, as they appear in the "real thing", I would invite you to go to http://emsvision.com/PAGES/book.html and click on the icon that looks like the book cover. There you will find some twenty spreads from the book, to give you an impression of its lay-out and quality.</p>

<p>I am putting one Chapter of the book at a time on the website. For the moment, this is Chapter 2. But, as said above, the lay-out differs from the book. The text is put on a column of its own (to the left), and the pictures corresponding to the text are shown on the column to the right of the respective paragraph. You just have to click on the icon there to see the relevant pictures in question in the form of a slide show. </p>

<p>To arrive at this presentation, you have to go to http://emsvision.com/PAGES/chapters.html and click on the "Page Icon", that is, the Icon that shows you a miniature version of the book spread starting that Chapter. However, I agree that this might be a bit confusing, so in the near future, I will add a link in the text itself, and do the same thing for the "Bonus Icon". I will also change the denomination "Picture Icon" in the text.</p>

<p>Thank you again for pointing out these issues to me and have fun trying again!</p>

<p>Thank you also for suggesting to place an article about how I made this book on Photo.net. It may indeed be a nice complement to the present article you pointed out, since my book has been designed by me in InDesign and printed in offset, in contrast to the today more common method of using photo publishers' (like Blurb's) design program and using print on demand production with digital printing. I have to admit that there is still a big difference in quality between the two printing methods, albeit the great difference in printing costs for small editions may often render it necessary to use digital printing. But, whatever method is being used, it is of utmost importance that each photo in the book be optimized for CMYK printing, which is quite a formidable task!</p>

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<p>Emil -- your photography is beautiful. As someone who has lived in the SF bay area most of my life and have explored the campus of UC Berkeley, I can say you have truly captured the spirit and atmosphere of a great university. And I really enjoyed your pictures of the Holi celebration. I got caught up in a Holi celebration in the streets of Mumbai in 1995 (I got painted for free!) and have never seen a Holi celebration since. Your pictures are splendid. Thank you for sharing them!</p>


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