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Gabriele Basilico?


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Does anyone know anything about this Italian photograher.


I have only seen one very small book about his work by Phaidon. His

other books seem hard to get in the US. And there doesn't seem to be

much online about him (in English).


From the small reproductions, his work looks amazing. I haven't seen

urban or suburban photography elsewhere that looks anything like this.


Does anyone know - does he shoot with an 8x10 camera - it looks like

it. And what about film.


Does anyone have any ideas where I can find out more about him and

his work?

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I have Robert Thall's New American Village book and rather like it. Which I suppose is why I liked the Basilico photographs I saw.


I recently ordered Thall's new book, which I thought was on Chicago, but turned out to be The Alleys of Chicago. I didn't really like it that much, so I sent it back (bonus points for Amazon on that).

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Basilico came out in the eighties with his photographic campagne about the northshore of France (Bord de mer,1984-85), after a committment by the French agency DATAR. Between 1982 and 1988 he worked on Porti di mare (i.e. See's harbours); in 1991 in Beirut; in his homecity, Milan, until 1996 (The Interrupted City, 1996); on a further urban and sub-urban project about six parallel paths in six different Italian cities (Sezioni del paesaggio italiano, 1996); more recently, he worked for Piano and the Berlin authorities in Berlin (2000). A couple of months ago endend an anthologic exibition in Turin. He used and still use a Tecnikardan loaded with Agfa APX 100. Diego Rigatti
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There are a couple of threads about him in the archives.

He has published at least three books in Italy with an editor called "Art&" which are beautifully printed. One about ports in Europe (Porti di Mare), one that puts face to face pictures of Milan with those of other European cities ("Nelle altre città) and another one I can't remember. Unfortunately there are not easy to find on the internet, and I suspect that the publisher doesn't exist anymore. Recently he has published several books in Phaidon that I don't like so much because the prints are not as good and the format is full page, landscape and 2x3 for all the photos, and I suspect some of them are badly cut to fit the size. There is one book on Berlin, one on Valencia-Berlin-another town I can't remember, and one on archeological sites in the south of France (in another format, but still not so good reproductions). These are recent books, so try amazon.co.uk or amazon.fr, I'm sure you would find them.


Since he became more or less famous for his work on Milan (he got a price in the Document art festival some years ago) he has been hired by many European cities to photograph modern urban landscape. I also love his work, although some pictures I saw once here in Paris were not very well printed IMHO. Try to get hold of those first Italian books, they are amazing.

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