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Zeiss Biogon 35/2?


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I am going to buy Leica m6 and 35/2 lens for it.<br>

After long consideration I am leaning towards Zeiss Biogon Zm 35/2.<br>

How much does it block with hood out the viewfinder of M6 with 0.72?<br>

Does it block out the 35 frame line?<br>

Is it still better to buy Summicron 35/2 IV?<br>

Sincerely, Jukka</p>

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<p>I have the 35 C Biogon and the 35 Summicron version IV. I have never noticed the hood interfering with the view, even though it does do, for the 50 Summicron, the 50 C Sonnar and the 35 C Biogon. I just don't find it an issue. I love the contrast and colours of the Zeiss lenses. The Summicron is subtle and is wonderfully compact. The custom hood is square and tiny. There is criticism of this lens's build quality, with it containing a plastic component internally. Some think that the problems with the lens come from mounting and unmounting it by gripping only the hood. The only problem I have had with mine is the mount was coming loose and it needed a couple of screws tightened. I did this, without any Loctite, and it has been fine for the two or three years since that happened. I would not likely buy the Summicron now over the Zeiss. I have been happy with all my Zeiss lenses. The main use for my Summicron now is in the evening and events where I want the camera to be as unobtrusive as possible. I leave the hood off and use an old silver Leica cap. On the M6 the whole package sits right in your hand.</p>
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<p>I have one of the Zeiss lenses (the 50 F1.5 Sonnar) and I find it is a very good performer and very well made. While the Zeiss is not as well made as my 50 Sumicron the build quality and image quality are excellent. I cannot comment on the optical properties of the Zeiss 35 F2 as I have never used it. The reviews are very good for this lens and buyers seem very happy with it. The price is about 1/3rd of the Leica. While it will probably not hold its value as well as the Leica I think you will be happy with it. Here is a review http://www.stevehuffphoto.com/2010/02/25/the-zeiss-zm-35-biogon-f2-lens-review-on-the-leica-m9/</p>
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  • 3 weeks later...
<p>Jukka, I own a 35mm Summicron (circa 1978), 35mm ASPH Summicron and the 35mm F2 Biogon. The Biogon has become my favorite 35mm lens, simply for its contrast and how it renders out of focus objects, in plain English, bokeh. If you have opted to acquire one, then that's fantastic. I am sure you'll be pleasantly surprised. I don't find the issue of its lens hood - which is vented BTW - extending into the rangefinder viewfinder to be an important issue as others have indicated here.</p>
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