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Candid digital B&W HELP!!!


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Hello Everyone!

Thanks for a fantastic forum!!

I'm in need of some advice concerning techniques for candid shots using an

external flash and "processed" in photoshop to B&W.


Here are my needs:


1) I'm shooting digital shots candid/paporazzi style shots of people in dark

enviorments (conferences/weddings/parties,etc...)

2) I don't want red eye

3) I want to convert these shots to B&W

4) I'm ultimatly printing these shots via a dye-sub printer @ 4x6 size.


Here are my questions: PLEASE TEAR ME APART!! (novice)

1) I;m using a coolpix 800 cam, In order to reduce red eye and capture "better"

shots I "think" I need to incorporate an external flash??

2) Most of these enviourments don't lend well to the term "space", so

"cramped" is more like it, so should I use a wide angle lens?

3) Does B&W digital conversion(silver oxide?) change the way I should


4) Should I consider a differnt camera??


Thanks in advance to any help you all can provide to my "newbie" questions!

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You already asked this question here <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=003eQz">http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=003eQz</a>


If those answers couldn't help you I don't know what else would. All the answers to your questions are available freely online including in your original post.


Sounds like you either can't make a decisions on your own about what to do or need more practice. That's not something anyone else can help you with.


Do you have any examples of photos you've taken since then to show and maybe we can help you out if there are problems?

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Need to lighten up some. His previous question was to "NOT use flash" and in this one he's asking about "using an external flash."


Seem like two different questions to me. Maybe we should just try to help him and answer his questions.....


Since I know nothing about digital, I'm of no help....

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Red-eye? B&W? What am I missing here? Lens choice is up to you, what story do you want to tell with your shots? What does silver oxide have to do with digital conversion? Photography is photography. As for a different camera, yes, you need a Canon or a Nikon. Who knows? We don't have enough info from you to make a recommendation.


And it wouldn't hurt to post in the proper forum either.

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