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Stumbled on an Expensive Deal, Should I Grab It.


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<p>Yes, I am driving over in the morning to use it on my D700. The seller claims he bought it new and has virtually never used it because it was too big and heavy. </p>

<p>I feel like I could buy it, shoot it for a year or two and then sell it for a tidy profit.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>In addition to Shun's concerns - <br>

1) meet up in a public place. </p>

<p>2) Try it on your body - check the images - zoom into 100%</p>

<p>3) get a receipt from the seller w/ name, number and Driver's License #</p>

<p>4) If you can - check the serial number against a lost / stolen database. </p>



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<p>Make sure it comes with the Nikon lens hood, the drop in filter holders--two of them I believe. One for a regular filter and one for a gelatin filter. And make sure there is a clear glass filter present and installed as the lens needs one for optimal optical performance. Another thing to check on the lens besides the glass is the lens diaphragm. Make sure it mates properly to your body and rotates smoothly thru all the f stops. One way to check the glass is to take a small flash light like a mag lite and flash it at the bottom and look at it thru the top. This will help expose any small scratches that might be present. Joe Smith</p>
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<p>Or the rightful owner called him... ;-)</p>

<p>Happens all the time with CL and other selling sites that don't lock you into a contract. First come with the cash, first serve. Although I do try to be honest about it - if I get multiple responses for an item, I tell them first come first serve. And if I have someone coming to look at something, I will tell others interested that it is pending sale. </p>



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<p>I've had the happen to me a lot. He probably had someone offer him a couple hundred more and he took it. The lesson I've learned is that if it's a screaming deal, get over their NOW with cash. That said, the kind of people that would say they'd hold it and then sell it out from under me are the kind of people I wouldn't want to do business with anyway, because they can't be trusted.</p>
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<p>Andy -</p>

<p>While technically true - I think it would be pretty difficult to enforce - so many of the CL deals never happen or materialize that it's not funny.</p>

<p>In fact, if everyone who had agreed to buy something from me or do a shoot based on a CL ad / repsonse - I'd be wealthy and in the Bahamas. </p>



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I did say 'technically' - because it would require actually enforcing it, and evidence that backs up having agreed to it. E.g.,

"come over and look at it"/"okay, I'll be there at noon" is less likely to be a contract than "I'll sell it to you for this price, you

can test it first"/"okay, I'll be there at noon and I agree to the price so long as it passes inspection."


Personally I think some more litigiousness would be good for CL. It would decrease the perception that there's nothing

wrong with punking out and make CL a better place for non-punks.

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