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Workflow and software recomendatios for aspiring pro please.

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<p>To try and keep it simple I've done this in point form.<br>

<strong>The basics:</strong> I've had much time behind a camera, not so much in front of a screen, a little time with ACR . I shoot RAW, landscape, macro, portraits, functions (sometimes lots of images), sunsets.<br>

<strong>The gear:</strong> Pentax K-7 (& maybe K-5II?) and fast glass etc. Macbook Pro 17", Aperture3 - hardly used yet.<br>

The goals: Sort out my image filing/management. Develop an efficient workflow from card to basic adjustments to more complex editing, output/backups. It seems from reading forums and other places there are a few main contenders for software: Aperture, LR4, CS6 and maybe Gimp.<br>

<strong>I'm anticipating my workflow might look like:</strong><br>

1) s/ware to download, add file names file and copy to external drive<br>

2) review to delete obvious losers, rate others<br>

3) add metadata (copyright, keywords etc.)<br>

4) process images for basics like WB, exposure etc.<br>

5) curves?<br>

6) more advanced processing/editing for images with a large contrast range eg. sunsets<br>

7) convert to TIFF?/Jpeg?<br>

8) file and copy to ext. hard drive<br>


a) any suggestions/sites/tutorials to add to the above workflow? (I've heard of DIM 4.0 and Photo Mechanic). b) I like the simplicity of the review mode in Bridge to delete losers, what software from the main contenders or elsewhere have a similar fast and simple review mode to delete and add ratings?<br>

c) with processing software it seems from the 'side by side comparison' on this site the above contenders seem very similar in features. Price aside, is it mainly a matter of personal preference or are there any other significant differences? and any other software suggestions? d) I've read that most processing/editing doesn't require CS6. Would I need it for i) dust removal? ii) the likes of large contrast range shots like sunsets (I've heard of the 'blend' mode being used for this)?<br>

d) any other suggestions advice please?<br>

Many thanks, Dave.</p>

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Lightroom or Aperture will work fine for now. There are plenty of good books that will walk you through smart workflows.

Depending on the nature of your client requirements, sooner or later you may need software that pushes pixels around

more intensely.


CS6 may be your best choice still for that, but I've been impressed with the variety of third-party plugins to LR & Aperture

that can provide most of those functions.


I suggest you download free trials of everything and see what works for you.


Good luck in your emerging career.



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