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<p>If you are looking to get more magnification, you would probably be better off with regards to IQ with automatic extension tubes which do not addition additional glass into the equation so they do not degrade the IQ of the original lens. And they are very inexpensive compared to a TC.</p>
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<p>Definitely use extension tubes on a macro lens to get more magnification, not a teleconverter. If you want more range from a lens, you're better off buying a different lens than a teleconverter for your short telephoto (looking at the 180mm f/2.8D specifically). Or, since the teleconverter would give you a modest increase in focal length but would make you lose autofocus, just buy yourself a used Ai-s 135mm f/2.8 or 135mm f/3.5.</p>
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<p>> with automatic extension tubes which do not addition additional glass into the equation so they do not degrade the IQ of the original lens <br>

That's an urban legend; extension tubes put a lens in a position it was not designed for, possible resulting in obvious aberrations. But macro lenses indeed tend to work relatively well on extension. <br>

The point of a TC instead of extension tubes with a macro lens is that it makes the effective focal length longer; therefore a longer working distance and more relative background blur. <br>

The quality may highly depend on the specific lens and TC used. </p>

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