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Polarizing filter for Cokin P


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<p>Hey guys, so I have cokin P filter system. I have been pretty happy with it, except my circular polarizer is showing signs of wear (with some minor scratches and what not). Given that I pretty much stop down for my landscape shots, I can slightly detect these blemishes in my pictures.</p>

<p>So I am ready to buy a new polarizer for my P filter system. I recall I bought my earlier filter for around $60, now I see that the price is around $110. Is it the same filter? or have they made improvements to it and that's why the cost has gone up.</p>

<p>Also, are there any other CP's that fit into the Cokin P filter system? Any recommendations? I am willing to consider more expensive options.</p>


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<p>Prices rise, and the fluctuation of the dollar against the Euro doesn't help, either. Most likely, it is the same filter. Cokin has been reorganizing recently, so maybe it's also a case of supply and demand.<br>

I see that B&H sells a Singh-Ray CPL that fits Cokin P. But that one is $100 more than the Cokin is...</p>

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<p>If you don't use the Cokin mount all the time, you might consider getting a polarizer(s) that screws directly into the lens(es) - though you won't save anything, depending on the lens size and the number of different lens diameters you have to deal with. I just find the screw-in filters easier to use and adjust, but maybe that's just me.<br>

There are the higher-priced companies with similar systems (Singh-Ray, Hitech, Lee), but I don't know how completely compatible they are with the Cokin-P holder. I do know that there are people who feel <strong><em>very</em></strong> strongly about which brand is best. If you don't believe me, just start a thread titled something like "Singh-Ray Sucks" It's like telling <em>syttende mai </em>celebrators (Norwegian national day) that you are a Swede. ;)</p>

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<p>Dinesh, I have never used a dedicated polariser, like those made by Singh-Ray, for a Cokin P retangular filter holder but have screwed a P filter holder adapter into the circular polariser I was using. I then adjust polariser and next slide the P holder on with the filter already on the holder. After that I adjust the filter vertically (I only use the P filter holder for GND filters) and I am done. It seems to work fine. I like Nikon and Marumi circular polarisers and Singh-Ray grads. Good hunting. Andy</p>


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<p>Thanks for messages, guys!</p>

<p>Larry, thanks so much for pointing out the Singh-Ray filter for Cokin P. I called them up and from what I understand, it pretty much functions like a Cokin CP (even sliding into the same slot). I am leaning towards buying and that and checking it out. I am guessing that Singh-Ray polarizers are way superior to Cokin. Is that a correct assumption?</p>

<p>How have people found the Singh-Ray CP to be?</p>

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<p>Sing-Ray filters are often better than Cokin, but the Coking circular Polarizer is one of their few glass filters and it's not a bad filter at all. An improvement would be a filter with multi-coating. Not sure about any coatings on the Sing-Ray.</p>


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  • 3 weeks later...
<p>The one reason that I use Cokin filters is to have the ability of adjusting the vertical position of a graduated filter which is something you just can't do with a normal filter, even if it is graduated. Getting a used polarizer at a camera show can save you a ton. Most of mine cost me five bucks or less (including a Cokin in 49mm) and I have some good ones too. Decide what it is that you really need.</p>
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