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Just bought an F100 - trying to find out how old it is...


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<p>I have just bought a Nikon F100 - a bit of a whim as I have not touched film for years but I couldn't resist it when I picked it up and it's absolutely pristine... My question - is there a website somewhere where I can check the age through the serial number? I have googled every conceivable combination of words that I can think of that might find a site for me but I have drawn a blank.... Any guidance on where to look would be much appreciated. Thanks.</p>
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<p>The F100 camera was introduced in 1998 (depending on which source you consult, Nikon says 1998) and discontinued (with many others) in 2006.<br /> This particular question has been asked here many times, and if you Google™ "Nikon F100 serial number list" you will find links to those discussions. I'm afraid that you'll have to plow (plough) through (threw) those on your (you're) own. ;)</p>

<p>My interests are in early products (e.g., http://www.destoutz.ch/typ_production_data_f.html or http://www.destoutz.ch/typ_production_data_f2.html )</p>

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<p>Mike--I, too, recently bought an F100 and ran into the same dearth of SN info on these cameras.<br>

The best I could do is a relative range--<br>

The SNs began with 200xxxx and ran through at least 227xxxx.<br>

The latter was shipped in 2004.<br>

Not much help, I know, but the google searches were not helpful.<br>

Hopefully, someone can chime in and help us!<br>


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<p>In the latter part of November, 1998, my wife and I went on a 3-week trip to Antarctica. Essentially I had a news blackout for those three weeks. When I got home in Decmeber, I learned the news that Nikon had announced the F100 when I was away. Therefore, the F100 was definitely introduced in late 1998.</p>

<p>In the summer/fall of 1999, Nikon introduced the original 2.7MP D1. In October that year, I went to Photo+Expo in New York City, and Nikon showcased the D1, with images captued from the baseball World Series. While my wife and I laughed at the quality from the D1, I also realized that digital was for real and its quality would improve rapidly.</p>

<p>A few months after that, I bought my F100 in January 2000, a little after a year since its introduction. I thought that would be the last film SLR I would buy, which turns out to be true so far. I still own that camera and its serial number is US 2076nnn.</p>

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<p>Thanks all.<br>

<br />JDM - intrigued that you think there has been a list published somewhere - spent a couple hours and found nothing. That seems to have been Paul's experience as well.</p>

<p>I guess it's not a science anyway as Paul's 227XXXX was shipped in 2004 and Lilly's 2309XXX was shipped in 2003....</p>

<p>Mine is a 2306XXX so I guess it's about 8 or 9 years old.... Must have been in it's box for most of that time to be in such good nick.<br>

<br />Thanks again!</p>

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<p>No I don't and didn't think that there's IS a list somewhere, only that there had been a lot of discussion of such a list here, and I thought it <em>possible</em>, since I didn't have the time to go though the discussions myself, that an interested party would have found such a list if one existed. I guess not, so I'm sorry.<br>

The lists I linked to for F and F2 are the only ones I <em>know</em> exist.</p>

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