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Color issues with Vuescan and 120tf

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<p>I am seeing odd color separation when using my Microtek 120tf with Vuescan. The problem appears most often in areas where there is strong contrast. The two examples I've attached are from the same image - it's a 45 year old Kodachrome scan, but I've noticed similar issues with other films as well. I'm using Vuescan 9.1.16 on Mac OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard).<br /> The first is a crop showing an eye - the problem is evident in the catch-light where there are obvious blue and red artifacts.<br /> <br /> The second is a crop showing the edge of a picture frame against a lighter colored wall. In this area there is a noticeable blue fringe to the right vertical edge of the picture frame.<br /> <br /> When I scan the same slide with Silverfast (6.6.2r3), it does not show the problem.<br /> <br /> In both cases, I am scanning at 4000ppi, with 4 passes (similar results occur with just one pass, however) - sharpening and grain reduction have been disabled and I let the software automatically apply color corrections.<br /> One might ask, well why not use Silverfast if it works so well... simple, Lasersoft has not supported the 120tf in version 8 (yet) and version 6.6 is not supported on newer editions of OS X. I hope to one day replace this Mac and really would like a scanning solution that doesn't require I keep an OS X 10.6 machine sitting in the corner for the dedicated task of scanning film. Even if version 8 did support the 120tf, spending the $$$ for it is enough to make me just consider just dumping my 120tf on e-bay.<br /> <br />I would really like to get figure out how to make Vuescan produce acceptable results here.</p>
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Does Vuscan have Color Balance where you can control the RBG values? If so, slide the Blue level toward Yellow (or whatever color they have).</p>

<p>This is exactly why I NEVER use the scanner software to adjust or repair scan colors. I get a "natural" scan, meaning I don't touch any of color / dust repair adjustments. Then I edit the scan in Photoshop or GIMP.</p>

<p><p><b>Moderator: Link removed. Not allowed per photo.net Terms of Use.</b></p></p>

<p> </p>

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