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Canon Thursday Photo 2012: #43


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<p><strong><em>Important</em></strong><em>:</em> please keep your image under 700 pixels wide/high for in-line viewing, and <em><strong>please try to keep the FILE SIZE UNDER 300kb</strong></em>. Note that <strong>this includes photos hosted off-site </strong>(at Flickr, Photobucket, your own site, etc). Are you <strong>new to this thread</strong>? The general guidelines for these Thursday threads are <a href="../canon-eos-digital-camera-forum/00X9hq" rel="nofollow"><strong>right here</strong></a>. Remember: Limit of three (3) images each week!</p>



<p>Happy Thursday everyone! I know it's pretty early but I can barely keep my eyes open. Last week's new three photo policy seemed to be a hit so we'll keep it going. I shot a lot this past weekend; mostly for work but some for pleasure, so I'll post a few of the pleasure photos. These were all taken Sunday morning at the Muscatatuck NWR in Indiana. They are all different animals, but they were all taken in the place (actually in the same lake) and all from the kayak. Last week's photos were absolutely amazing, and I love that we now have more amazingness to admire. Keep it up and let's see those photos!</p><div>00axZ7-500809684.jpg.90ab5516183e0a747669df7018127913.jpg</div>

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<p>I have been so busy I haven't posted for a while. I did manage to get out to a small college football game this past Saturday. The #6 ranked NCAA division 3 Wesley College Wolverines from Dover, Delaware traveled cross country to take on the NAIA Menlo College Oaks in Atherton, CA. Wesley won 30 - 13.</p><div>00axa5-500819584.jpg.2c5be9efccb70cbf9dd343c1b88d4850.jpg</div>
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<p>Nathan, I especially like the otter and the kildeer photos; both very nice.<br>

Jeff, at first I thought they were hamming for a self portrait. Are they looking at a photo of you? ;-) (Perfect capture!)<br>

Louis M, love that yellow-green beetle.<br>

Ian, how did you get those people to float like that? Was this a composite or did you just get lucky?<br>

Phil R, good one! I hear them occasionally, but never close enough for a shot like this. Nice.<br>

Dave C, I'm never surprised by what I see in NO. A different place, for sure.<br>

Lupo, perfect timing. Nice macro work.<br>

Robert C, the stream shot may be a tad over-saturated but what a postcard shot!</p>

<p>I visited a waterfowl park recently. They had ducks and geese there from all around the globe, many that I have never seen even in photos. This was like shooting fish in a barrel.</p>

<p> </p><div>00axbt-500839584.JPG.83b64d50d2034b7b13e06f6dbc751f90.JPG</div>

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<p>I had planned to visit Little Venice last weekend, to complete my set of Venice shots. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it.<br /> So instead, this rather colourful character comes from the Fêtes Renaissance du Roi de l'Oiseau held in Le Puy en Velay each September.<br>

5D2+24-105, iso-200, f4, 98 mm, -1/2 ev<br>

<a title="Chicken man by Peter Meade, on Flickr" href=" Chicken man src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8332/8089583269_dbccb58a20_z.jpg" alt="Chicken man" width="426" height="640" /></a></p>

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