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Need low light lens for D5100


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<p>Alastair, many thanks. By repugnant, I meant it in the strictest sense: I was repelled. On the social values front, I think weddings is where you see most clearly outlined a society struggling -- often by spending shocking and unnecessary amounts of money -- to make contact with some mythical group of unifying beliefs; and failing. I was recently best man at a wedding that took place at one in the afternoon and the bride -- a seemingly well-educated suburban girl considerably younger than the groom, who is somewhat younger than I -- wanted us to wear tuxedos. I said I would not wear a tuxedo at one in the afternoon, was she nuts? She had great trouble getting over the idea that the men should not be in tuxes. And that's a minor issue, obviously. What the ceremony actually had as content was another thing all together. We ended up in tuxes with no ties. Go figure. I took black and white film photography and chatted a good deal with the professional and his assistant. The whole event photography field had gone over to the Canon 5D Mk II at that time. With the D800, they'll be back. </p>


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<p>Of course it could be that the whole discussion is symbolic, and the camera (with BIG f/2.8 zoom?) is itself the core symbol. The fathers on this day are supposed to take their alpha-ness and keep it under wraps. The whole "giving away" of the bride is very funny in this regard: very few people ever ponder what it is that the father "had" that he's now "giving away." So those who object to the father running around with the big black camera are really quite traditional. As a man of that age, with four sons not yet married, I say screw that. "Is that a 2.8 zoom in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" </p>
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<p>My son in Alaska is coming and he graduated from Colorado Mountain College photography school as did his wife. She can't come but my son will be able to fill in for me when necessary. There will probably be others that can fill in as well.</p>


<p>To Richard the OP, I suppose you have at least two sons, one is the one getting married and the other one in Alaska. The one in Alaska graduated from photography school.</P>


Is it possible to designate the one from Alaska to be the semi-official photographer for the wedding? I hope he is only the brother of the groom instead of being a groomsman or having some other official capacity in the wedding party.</p>

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<p>He is the only brother and will stand up for the groom. However, this is a very laid back wedding although not a hippie wedding. Other than the wedding party, this is a wear anything wedding probably in the rain under the redwoods. Between the Alaska son, me, and a photographer friend of the bride, we will manage quite well.</p>
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<p>I have the SB-600 flash; mine's a little unpredictable but when it's in a good mood it's quite good. And you'll not regret that lens. With the flash you'll mostly be fine with your zoom. you could do some soft romantic shots in natural light with the 35mm too. Enjoy, eat, drink, be merry. You certainly did get more than you asked for from this thread. But hey, we're here to serve. Although not <em>at </em>the wedding. </p>
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