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Nikon Wednesday 2012: #33

Matt Laur

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<p>Greetings from Kenya! Did a weekend trip to Masai Mara National Reserve and got a chance to test my "new" gear in action. It's tourist high season, so safari vans were aplenty around. Did manage to see some lions, cheetah, elephants etc. Here's a shot of two young zebras brawling.</p><div>00aiwD-490317584.jpg.3d4861e97e051b26e0ebef18740b556f.jpg</div>
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<p>To Jonathan Parkhouse: That is an impressively sharp photo with the Sigma 105. Did you compare the lens with the Nikkor 105 before you purchased? My guess is that you saved a lot of money while giving up little, if any, on the performance end. Please share your thoughts. Thanks.</p>
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<p>Sorry, I'm late to the party, yesterday was a hectic day.<br>

Here's another shot from my recent trip to the Carlisle Pa. Truck Nationals. I call this one "First Hit" because it's the moment when the monster truck comes into contact with the car stack and has it's first take off of the show. Always a cool shot if you can get it.<br>

Nikon D200, manual Tamron SP 28-80mm @ 80mm, ISO 400, exp. 1/250 @ f16.</p><div>00aj8w-490571584.jpg.941e12c07192b7d9fffdb1403d96dc67.jpg</div>

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<p>A Canonite come to visit, . . . please don't throw rocks!</p>

<p>It's becoming a habit to check out both sides and see all these wonderful photographs and visit so many places through your viewfinders!</p>

<p>Thanks again for the journey! . . . o.k., throw em! I'm outta here!</p>

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<p>Hi Nikon world - - sorry to be late to add a photo, but I was in Las Vegas & had not access to stuff to post. Great shots everyone - I've only glanced at them due to time restrictions. I will check them later. Here's a photo from last Friday (I believe). We went to Point Dume, just north of Malibu, next to Zuma Beach. There I took a nap & woke up to "Dolphins, a school of dolphins with babies...." I grabbed the D800 with the 24-70mm f/2.8 (my only lens that day) & ran. Here's one of those photos. This is full frame at 70mm and as you can see, the dolphins were very close to the shore as people are standing in the foreground. The girl only has water to her hip.<br>

<br />D800, 24-70m f/2.8, at 70mm ISO 100, 1/500s., A Priority, -0.3 EV</p>

<p><img src="http://lilknytt.zenfolio.com/img/s1/v57/p833329312-5.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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<p>On my way uptown in New York City this week the rain had just stopped and as it got later in the evening the sun came out shining some of the red sun-setting light on the buildings facing west in Manhattan. I got this shot of Broadway with Lincoln Center on the right after a long day of rain.</p><div>00ajSs-490945684.jpg.2c4fa8e5abb717e70881663ba0b16c40.jpg</div>
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