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Selling Prints in Local Stores

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<p>I was wondering what the protocal is to see if a restuarant/retail store in my area will put some of my work on there wall to sell. How do you go about that? Do you simply give a picture (preferably already framed) to them and simply say "this is a gift if you would kindly hang it on the wall. Btw, if someone wants to buy a print, here's my contact information as well as pricing on a card that we can put beside the print." Or do you go the route of asking them just to sell your work in they get a percentage of every sale? And lastly, what's the best way to approach them?<br>

I'm starting to sell a lot of prints and I'm getting a lot of positive feedback about my work from people I know, but I want to start putting it out there so people who don't know me in my community can see my work. thanks for your time, Jeff B.</p>

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<p>Many establishment owners like to hang work because it works out as free wall decorations, at least for the time the artwork is on display. Don't give it to them as a gift; it's yours for them to display. Some will handle the sales as well for a cut, but I'd prefer to have a good supply of business cards available and maybe an artist's statement on display as well. Many business owners may be booked many months in advance for artists who want to display their work in this manner. Just follow Nathan's advice.</p>
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